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~Chapter 13~


On their journey up the mountain, the three of them ran at an incredible speed, their forms flickering like shadows. But she couldn't keep up and soon found herself trailing behind them. She felt a pang of disappointment, watching them talk intently while she was left out. She let out a small grunt under her breath.

But then she noticed something. They didn't even realize she had stopped following them. She watched them disappear into the distance and leaving her behind.

Novaria couldn't help but feel a pang of frustration. "Do i even need their help?" She scoffed to herself. "I'll arrive late, doesn't matter." She shrugged.

Her eyes scanned the surroundings, taking in the vastness of the mountain and the lovely snow. But then she heard something. Far off in the distance, she could hear the sound of growling. Was the battle already beginning? She started worrying about Bree.

For a moment, she reached up to touch the ruby necklace that hung around her neck. She could feel the presence of the stone against her skin, a reminder of the connection she had with the Volturi. Her intrusive thoughts wanting to try and remove the necklace. But no, she realized it would sever that connection and there's no second chance.


"Go, Seth!" The whisper of Edward's urgent voice broke through the tense silence. The huge sandy wolf disappeared into the shadows of the forest.

Bella turned to Edward, her brows furrowed with worry. "What's wrong?" the fear evident in her voice. Edward's face was etched with concentration as he spoke.

"It's either our loss or theirs." he replied, his eyes scanning the surrounding. They both knew he was referring to the ongoing conflict between the Cullens and the wolf pack against the newborn vampires.

In a split second, Edward's body shifted into a defensive position, half crouched and arms extended in a firm stance that Bella had come to recognize all too well. "They're coming for us." he stated, his voice laced with a mix of anger.

"Who?" Bella's voice shook with fear. "Victoria and Novaria." Edward replied, spitting their names as if they were curses.

"But they're not alone. They're following the scent of the newborns, but they also caught your scent and know we're here. They never intended to fight against the newborns, they just want to find you and they know you would be with me." He snarled, his eyes locking with hers.

"It was always Victora, the mastermind." Bella's heart raced as she shifted closer to Edward, seeking the comfort of his presence.

Edward's body shifted almost imperceptibly, his eyes trained on the shadows of the forest. And then she saw them. Two figures emerging from the darkness, their eyes fixated on the small clearing where the Cullens and the wolves had set up camp. Without a word, they slowly made their way towards the group, their movements fluid and confident.

To their surprise, Novaria wasn't with them.

"Novaria isn't with them?" Bella whispered, her voice filled with worry for herself. "I have no idea." he replied, equally confused by her absence.

The closest threat was Riley, who was standing just a few feet away from Edward. Bella couldn't bring herself to look at him, knowing the danger he posed. Instead, she averted her gaze to the other side, where Victoria stood. The fiery redhead's eyes bore into hers, calculating and filled with amusement.

An immense distance away, from far across the black forest, a wolf's howl echoed in the still air. "Riley," Edward said in a soft, pleading voice. Riley's red eyes widening.

"She's lying to you." Edward told him, glancing at Victoria before back at the boy "She's lying to you just like she lied-"

Before he could finish his sentence, a burst of energy filled the clearing and suddenly Novaria appeared, her presence commanding. She appeared by Victoria's side, her teleportation abilities on full display.

At the same time, Seth also appeared, his huge sandy wolf form standing tall and fierce next to Bella. His presence was a clear warning to their enemy who dared to do a move.

Victoria and Riley's attention briefly shifted to Novaria, wondering why she was late but they quickly refocused on Edward, their eyes was sharp and fierce.

Edward and Bella, observing the scene, also took note of how Novaria and Seth had arrived at the same time, but in different locations so it has nothing to do with the two. Their eyes narrowed.

"Three vs three?" Novaria whispered when she noticed a huge wolf with Bella and Edward, and its eyes was on her before averting. Victoria told her to be silent.

"Riley, listen to me." Edward began once more, his voice steady and compelling. "Victoria doesn't love you." Edward's voice softened, but it was still compelling. "She never has. She loved someone else, someone named James. You're just a pawn in her game."

At the mention of James, Novaria's gaze darted to her sister, Victoria's facade slipping for a moment as her lips curled into a snarl. Riley's eyes widened in alarm, his own gaze flickering at Victoria.

"I couldn't help but... Edward is right.." Novaria thought to herself, and she glanced at Edward who smiled a little at her. Novaria furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Did he read my mind?"

But as his gaze shifted to Riley, his expression turned grave once again. "She knows that I will kill you, Riley." Edward's voice was laced with warning, his eyes flickering to Victoria. "You've seen the hesitation in her eyes, the insincerity in her promises. You were right to doubt her. Every kiss, every touch was nothing but a lie."

But Edward's gaze shifted to Novaria "Also... Novaria... if you don't know, your own sister, had been wishing you were dead, ever since James was still Alive." Edward said through gritted teeth.

Novaria couldn't believe what she was hearing. It was like a stab to her dead heart. Her eyes wide with disbelief and betrayal. She turned to Victoria once again, searching for any sign of truth in her face.

But Victoria immediately reached out and touched her hand, her voice barely above a whisper. "Novaria, you know he's lying." she pleaded, her eyes pleading with her younger sister.

"I would never wish harm upon you." But Novaria couldn't help but feel that her words were just a facade, a desperate attempt to manipulate the situation.

It was then that Novaria realized she didn't know who to trust anymore. Her mind was in turmoil as she turned back to Edward, silently wanting him to continue.

But Victoria couldn't keep up the act any longer. "Novaria, please, you have to believe me." she implored, but her expression was too fake, too forced. "And Riley, don't listen to him. You know I love you."

But Edward wasn't backing down with his revealing words "She wished you were dead, Novaria." Edward said, his voice cold and unyielding. "James had always became her first priority. And Carlisle...he knew about it all along. You saw him when he was still with the Volturi, right?"

Victoria snarled at Edward's words. Her sharp teeth glinting, she turned to face Novaria. "He's a liar, Nov. Don't listen to him. I don't want you to suffer like I did-"

Edward cut in. "Oh, but yes you do! Victoria, you were acting surprised when Novaria found you, because you wanted to use her against us. You don't even care about her at all. You just want to get back at us for what we did to your mate, James." The wolf next to Bella growled lowly, his eyes flickering to Novaria's unreadable expression.

"That's not true. I may have my own reasons, but I don't wish harm upon Novaria."


𝗙𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘀 & 𝗙𝘂𝗿: 𝗡𝗼𝘃𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗮'𝘀 𝗧𝗮𝗹𝗲 | Twilight.Where stories live. Discover now