3//✨First Friend

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Jivika shows the boy his room first and then takes the girl to a different room. The room is simple-looking. A queen-size bed, a medium-sized almirah, a small dressing table, and two chairs are the things present in the room.

"You can rest here. I will come back with a jar of water." Jivika says timidly.

"I am a girl too so you can take off the veil. Also, your grandma and aunt are not here." The girl comments which shocks Jivika because it's not the first time they have guests staying at their place as this is a family business of Rao's. But this is the first time someone wants her to take off the dupatta.

"But dadi says that no one outside the home should see my face as it will bring bad luck to them." Jivika replies.

"Oh My God! This old woman needs some sense to be put in her mind." The girl remarks rolling her eyes.

"You called my dadi old woman?" Jivika asks aloud looking at the girl with wide eyes not able to believe that someone deliberately insulting her grandma.

"Yes, so what? An old woman should be called an old woman. Actually, no! That old woman should be called a witch." The girl says shrugging her shoulders without caring for anything. On the other hand, Jivika is still in a shocked mood upon hearing the girl's choice of words.

"You are brave." That's all Jivika can say.

"Forget about the oldy, you first take off the veil and then we will talk further." The girl orders Jivika who at first hesitates but then decides to do as she is being told. It's in her nature to follow orders.

Jivika takes off the dupatta from her head making the girl gasp in astonishment. The girl can't believe that such a beautiful person is hiding her beauty from the world.

"You are so beautiful, Jivi." The girl comments blinking her eyes.

"Jivi?" Jivika wonders aloud while the girl giggle seeing the confusion on Jivika's face.

"It's your nickname from me and nickname means a name which can be used apart from the real name of a person." The girl narrates already understanding that Jivika doesn't have much knowledge of modern world.

"Thank You for giving me a nickname. No one ever gave me a nickname before." Jivika replies feeling emotional.

"By the way, I am Ritika Singh Rathore." The girl introduces herself.

"Your name is very nice but ummm.." Jivika hesitates.

"Tell me whatever you want." Ritika encourages.

"Can I give you a nickname too?" Jivika asks timidly.

"Oh, I love nicknames. You can definitely give me one." Ritika replies happily.

"I want to call you Riti." Jivika says making Ritika clapping her hands feeling giddy. Because at home, her family members call her Ritu and others call her Ritika. But now she has a complete new name.

"Awe, thanks Jivi for giving me a new nickname. From now on we will be friends forever." Ritika replies happily.

"Friends? You want to be my friend?" Jivika asks wanting to know if she what she heared correct or not.

"Of course, I want to be your friend. Look I know I am older than you but still I can promise you that I will be a cool friend." Ritika replies smiling big.

"I never had any friend before so thank you for being my friend." Jivika says making Ritika's smile vanish. Because she can't believe that a sweet girl like Jivika doesn't have any friends. But seeing the type of environment she is living, it doesn't sound anything different.

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