crazy in dubai (pt 2)

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Paige x Azzi (Pazzi)

Day 1.

after long, dreadful 14 hours, the girls finally landed in dubai. it felt beautiful there and everything was just so colorful. azzi heart was exploding with joy, the other girls were tired just ready to get to the hotel they were staying at.

"how do you have this much energy? it's 1 in the morning." alice spoke, she had a mean look on her face, only because she was tired still. azzi just laughed and continued to walk.

the uber had dropped them off a block down from the hotel which was stupid, he said he had some more he had to be. best believe he got 2 stars.

"come on, we're only a few steps away." azzi turned around to see everyone else with a grumpy face. she rolled her eyes and turned back around, "you guys can knock out once we get our rooms."


the girls decided to get 2 rooms, ice, nika and kk didn't want to stay in the same room with the "couple" which made paige and azzi groan and roll their eyes.

"you guys are ridiculous." paige said as she saw nika, kk, and ice get settled in bed, nika just giggled. "i thought you were tired, p. go be with princess azzi." kk spoke with a smirk on her face, paige blushed but flipped her off and walked out of the room.

paige walked into the shared room with her and azzi to see azzi already unpacking, she chuckled. "az, you can unpack when we wake up. it's late." paige put her suitcase next to the wall by the door and flopped into bed.

"i know, but i have energy and i don't know what else to do." azzi folded up her swimsuits and put them in one drawer. paige just stared, a small smile on her face. 'God, she's beautiful' she thought.

"come on azzi. get in bed, we'll finish tomorrow. wanna watch tiktoks together?" azzi smiled and put whatever she had left in the drawer, she nodded her head and got next to azzi in bed.

"okay." paige pulled out her phone and opened tiktok. she was laying on her back, an arm over azzi while she snuggled up next to her. they came across a funny edit of kk and laughed together. being this close to paige made azzi feel safe and warm.

10:30 AM.

paige and azzi woke up to pounding on their door. "what the fuck?" paige said out loud, the banging didn't stop. "alright! here i come. gosh." azzi stood up, rubbing her eye while walking to the door. paige was right behind her, out of a habit. she opened it up to see kk, nika, and ice standing there with smiles on their faces.

"i told you they'd still be asleep." nika told kk, kk rolled her eyes but looked back at the two. "what're yall doing? it's 10:30, we got big things to do today."

azzi looked at her watch and groaned, her and paige stayed up all night watching tiktok's, they lost track of time. "shit." she cursed, looking up back at the trio. "come in, just sit down or something." the girls walked in, they were all nice and dressed up.

"don't you two look lovely this morning." ice said, nika and kk stiffened a laugh at this while azzi just sarcastically smiled at her. she walked up to her, a worried look on her face.

"shit, ice. you have something on your shirt." she pointed towards it, ice being ridiculously gullible, looked down and that gave azzi the green light to flick her face back up.
ice groaned, "i always fall for that!" she crossed her arms.

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