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Years later...

Alina's POV:

I stood in the kitchen preparing the marshmallows, chocolate and crackers along with hot chocolate for our evening with our friends. A pair of warm, familiar arms wrap around me."Mmm, it smells delectable in here babe." His eyes zero in on the hot chocolate. "Did you put extra chocolate in mine?" He asks with puppy dog eyes. He's still a kid at heart even at 40 years old. But if I do say so myself, he doesn't look a day over 25. We had started to age extremely slowly once we had completed the mating process.

I gasp in horror. "Of course I did! What a horrible person I would be if I didn't." I chuckle in amusement at his nod in agreement. "Terrible. Horrible. Wicked."

"So the kids are going to a party tonight. We have the house all to ourselves, what do you say we have a little sexy time?" He whispers huskily against my neck and places little hot kisses down to his mark.

"As fun as that sounds, our guests will be arriving soon. And you know we already made plans for the evening so no baby, we can't have sexy time." I say with a giggle as he licks his mark on my neck making my whole body burn with need. He's playing dirty and he damn well knows it.

"They can go on without us. It's not like they'll notice our absence. Jason is smitten with Rox and the newest bun in the oven. Aiden is still a dimwit that Thea has to run after to make sure he doesn't catch on fire again like our last bonfire. Alex will be too busy phoning his precious daughter Avery every five minutes to make sure she's not around boys at the party even though he knows it's inevitable and she is going to find her mate any day now while Riles tries to make him cut Avery some slack and lectures him about his days as a teenager. So they won't even notice when we come inside and do the dirty for the third time today." He explains to me like he has it all figured out.

I pick up the wooden spoon from the counter next and whack his head with it, chastising him. "You're an absolutely insatiable horndog. We can't just leave them alone after inviting them over. Besides we haven't had a get together like this in a long while."

"Ow ow ouch, stop it you violent women." He grabs me and takes the spoon from my hands, chucking it behind him. It evidently lands on someone judging from the loud thump and curses that follow. "Ow, fu-fudge balls. Dad, what the hell?"

He cringes and turns around in a hurry. "I'm so sorry pumpkin, let me kiss it better." He walks over to his precious princess Alianna Celina Collins and fuses over her. "Dad! I'm not eight anymore, I'm eighteen." She grumbles as she tries to push Xavier away while he tries to kiss her head where the spoon landed.

"Leave her alone baby." I laugh at his antics and walk over to help our daughter out by pulling him away and holding his hand.

"Thanks mum." She says in relief, "I came down to tell you that Xander says I look like a hooker!" She informs me in frustration aimed at her overbearing, overprotective twin brother.

I glanced down at her outfit that consisted of a simple one shoulder red dress that came just below mid-thigh, paired with black heels. It wasn't bad at all considering I wore my fair share of short dresses and shorts when I was her age. There was nothing wrong with it at all.

"Alexander Christian Collins. Get your ass down here boy!" I bellowed out and instantly a pair of heavy footsteps came running down the stairs.

"Mum, look at her! I'm going to be having a hard time keeping the guys away. Dad, tell me you don't approve of her choice of clothing?" He pleads to his dad completely ignoring my glare.

"Absolutely not! Go up right now and change this instant young lady. The boys will come flocking at your beauty and it's way too early for that. It's preposterous! It barely covers anything. No, I do NOT approve." He says stubbornly as Xander grins smugly at Anna.

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