Chapter 16: Initiation

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  • Dedicated to To you who is reading this!

Alina's POV

That little mutt locked me in a closet. I was fuming. He had left me locked up all morning and asked a female pack member to let me out when I started complaining about food all while he was nowhere to be found. If he thinks he can get away with it he has another thing coming his way. I know we hadn't had the talk about pups but seriously, in a closet?

The girls and I didn't want to stick around and cause another situation like earlier in the kitchen and left for Red Dawn as soon as we were freed. Xavier had wanted me close to him but my heat was too strong to bear so we agreed it was best that he stay away until it was over, considering we didn't want pups this early into our life together. At least at home the girls and I had the advantage of staying in the Alpha Mansion, away from any unmated male pack members, and with mum around spoiling us with hot chocolate and a movie marathon week until our heat had finally settled down.

As soon as the girls and I were settled, we had gathered a meeting between the pack leaders to determine the future of the packs. In all of werewolf history, an Alpha bloodline mating with another Alpha bloodline was practically unheard of, it was so rare. After much deliberation it was agreed it would be best to merge the packs, considering our unique circumstance.

Two weeks later, Riley, Thea and I are sitting in a car being driven by Jason, to Blood Moon territory with our families and a few pack members, most choosing to run in wolf form to the destination. Since we were now fully mated, it was not wise to delay taking my position as Alpha of Red Dawn and my place beside Xavier.

Today would be the day we are officially pronounced Alphas of both packs, confirming our Betas - Riley and Alex, along with our Gammas - Aiden and Jason.

My thoughts are interrupted by Riley shaking me awake letting me know we have arrived. I open my eyes to see we have stopped in front of Xavier's pack house which is lit up like a Christmas tree with white fairy lights covering every inch of the mansion. Looks like they've been busy.

My door is opened by a dashing young Alpha who is dressed in a black tuxedo and perfectly mused hair, wearing a wide grin. "Evening ladies. You look exquisite this fine summer's night." I see the twins' heads pop over his shoulder and flash a look of awe at their mates who have forgotten all about how they locked them up in the bathroom and cuffed them to the bed, completely lovestruck as soon as their eyes met. And to think we were going to use girl power on them.

Well then, I guess it's all up to me now. "You cowardly Alpha jackass! How could you do that to me?" I roar as I jump out the car and tackle his sexy ass down while punching his rock-hard chest, leaving him heaving for a breath.

"Babe calm down okay, I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Ow, stop that. Jeez woman what have you been eating, I feel like I just walked into a concrete wall," he grabs ahold of my wrists and holds them to his chest, "you went into heat. I really didn't want to love, but I had no choice or else I would have lost control and taken over from Xavier." I look into his eyes and realize Rhys had come forward and is speaking to me. "We love you and Rhia very much and we didn't want to hurt you, didn't want to do anything before we talked about it properly." His eyes turn back to the bright blue eyes that I've fallen in love with and look at me tenderly.

I instantly cease my assault and melt into him. "I understand mate. Just don't try that shit again or there will be hell to pay." I warn humorously with narrowed eyes and stand up, getting off him.

He follows my actions and wraps me up in a tight hug, "I get it babe, you missed me. Besides, who can resist all of this?" He pulls back and gestures to his muscular body, slipping right into his humorous disposition. "Riiiight." I slap his arm playfully and roll my eyes.

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