Chapter 21: Power

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Alina's POV:

It's been a week since our amazing Valentine's Day date but as soon as the day was over we had been plunged back into work and training. Xavier and the guys have been busy making preparations to leave on their journey to meet with the supernatural beings. They leave this afternoon. We haven't had much rest and barely see each other as the days have progressed but we manage to steal a few moments in between for heated kisses along the way.

Xavier and I currently in one of said heated make-out sesh when the door barges open with a bang and Xavier and I break apart in shock. "What the hell?" I shout and Colton walks in with a huge grin on his face with Jace and Reece behind him looking like zombies.

"Good morning lovebirds, rise and shine! I thought we'd get an early start because I have a very good feeling about today. So, who's ready for some action?" Colton chirps happily while opening the curtains, letting in the early morning whispers of sunlight. Geez, who put the rainbow in his sprinkles.

"I was getting some until you arrived. Thanks for that." Xavier grumbles and I giggle at his grumpy expression.

"Man, it's too early for this. I'm running on reserves right now. We've barely had any sleep." Jace complains, running a hand down his face.

"Well suck it up because we have to get training, now get your cute little tushes out of bed and get in the bathroom, one at a time." He says while looking at Xavier pointedly as he reaches to pull me along with him.

Jace and Reece burst into laughter as Xavier growls in annoyance, storming into the bathroom and slamming the door shut. Aw my baby. "Okay all of you get out of my bedroom. We'll meet you guys down in 10." I ordered and pointed to the door.

Let's get to it then.

After my quick shower I get changed into my sports bra and shorts and go down to the training arena to see that the pack had already started their training with Alex and Aiden leading. I spot Roxy, Thea and Riley in the sea of fighting bodies, surveying members stances, fixing them as they go, and walk over to see how they were doing.

A few moments later Colton and the guys join us. "Okay so you guys keep training. Xavier and Alina, I need you guys with me. We'll be training in the forest." Colton gestures for us to follow as he walks into the forest. Serious Colton scares me a bit, not that I'd ever admit. Xavier would have a field day.

"Alright, Thea and Riles, I want you to train the girls separately today in both human and wolf form. They need to train so they can defend themselves. I'm not going to be here to watch and I don't want no slacking. Clear?" I say, all business. "Yep, got it Alpha." They nod simultaneously and I run to catch up with Xavier and Colton.

"Okay now we have to be serious. Using your abilities for long periods of time will drain you both mentally and physically. It's not a matter of endurance, we just can't control that. You guys need to conserve your energy and use them only when necessary." Colton explains to us based on past performance.

"Warm up you guys, I take a few laps. Go!" Colton barks and the Alpha in me rises as Xavier and I take off, determined to beat one another. My body is screaming in pain, begging me to stop but I push myself to go on, taking laboured breaths as I go.

"Come on you little cheetahs, let's get to the real stuff." He says with a pep in his step. He starts training with me first while X is told, and I quote, "to clear the mind of the perverse, raging hormones of a teen boy". Colton leads me through a few exercises with the elements.

I'm getting frustrated by the minute because I'm still now where I should be. "You know what Alina, if you don't try, how do you expect any results? I am honestly doing everything I can as your trainer but it's like you don't have interest in making it work. Do you want everybody to die? Because at the rate we're going, it's bound to happen." Colton roars harshly and my blood starts to boil at his blatant disrespect. How dare he?

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