Chapter 20: My Promise

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Alina's POV

"What are you doing here?" I ask in surprise. Humans from the town close by sometimes wander onto the edge of the southern territory due to the nature trail not far off outside the border, where the waterfall is situated. They lose their way but the pack scouts patrolling the area usually herds them toward the town safely. It's rare but it happens. I relax a little but am still aware of my surroundings.

"Oh thank god, I thought I'd be lost out here all night and be eaten by wolves. Hi Alina, fancy seeing you around here. I was just taking a walk when I heard a few wolves howling really close. I'm afraid I didn't handle it too well and lost the trail when I ran off." He explains sheepishly while leaning forward with his hands on his knees, out of breath as he glances around behind him.

"I was just doing the same. I sometimes come out here for the scenery and clear my head. Making up an excuse to not raise suspicion. "If you just head on that way and walk straight you should hit a trail in about 20 minutes. It'll take you right back to town." I gesture with my head in the direction he should take.

"Thank you so much." He thanks in relief and waves his goodbye. "Well, see you around some time." He heads back into the forest and I mind-like a scout on duty to follow him and make sure he gets to town safely.

Just as I ended the link, Xavier makes his appearance. "Hey what happened, I thought we were still playing?" Xavier comes over to me and takes me into his arms, looking around, probably catching Jordan's scent.

"Yeah we were, sorry. A human got lost and stumbled across the border again. I sent him back on his way and alerted the scouts to make sure he got back to town in one piece." I inform him about Jordan.

"So does this mean I win?" He grins cheekily at me. "Not a chance, I want a rematch sometime. I refuse to accept it." I laugh at his attempt at getting one over me.

He chuckles and shakes his head at my refusal. "I don't know how I'm going to survive you, my love But I wouldn't have it any other way." I sling my arm around his neck, bring his head down and capture his lips with mine. He responds to my kiss immediately while holding my hips, bringing me flush against his body, taking control of the kiss as tingles radiate throughout my body. Our lips move in sync and I pour my every emotion into it to show him how much I love him.

I pull away breathing heavily and he rests his forehead on mine with closed eyes, out of breath. "I love you Ali. So much that it scares the hell out of me. I won't be able to live on if I had to lose you. I'm afraid this war is going to change our lives forever and I'm not ready to even think about the fact that we could lose each other." I feel tears prick at my eyes as he confesses his fears to me, feeling the exact same way. He opens his eyes, wiping away the fallen tears that had escaped and leaves a soft kiss in its place. My heart just shuddered with pure love for the man in front of me. Standing in front of me is not the hard, strong Alpha that I have come to know and love. Standing in front of me is my beautiful mate, free of all masks, showing me that I have his heart in my hold and that he loves me more than anything in the whole world and will die doing so.

"I love you too my love. Everything I am is only for you. My heart is yours and yours alone. I trust you with my everything. To love me as much as I love you and I know you do so I ask for nothing more. You're the other half of my soul. We'll make it out of this my love, after all, we have our whole lives ahead of us." I reaffirm my confidence in him.

"Besides, let's not forget we have to pop out a few kids and make our mothers happy or we won't be alive for long in any case." I remind him to lighten up the mood and his face instantly lights up as he laughs loudly at my words, stepping away.


Xavier's POV

"True, sweetheart. After all this is over we better get right to it or risk the wrath of our mother dragons." I add on to her statement.

"I have one more thing for you tonight." I turned her around so her back would be facing me and reach into my back pocket. I move her soft silky hair to the side and place the necklace around her neck. It's a white gold chain with a glittering engagement ring hanging from it. She looks down and her eyes spark with awe, turning to me in surprise.

"The ring is my gift Ali, not the necklace. It's my promise to you that when all of this is over, I will finally put that ring on your finger and make you mine. It's my promise to you that I will love you, now and forever." I bear my heart to her.

Behind her I see Colton give me a thumbs up as the music starts playing. I picked out a perfect one for my promise to her, 'Marry me by Jason Derulo'.

"May I have this dance? "I hold out my hand for her.

"But of course my King." She smiles brightly and places her hand in mine.

Holding her close, we sway to the music as she lays her head on my shoulders and dance the night away. This might be our only chance together like this before all hell breaks loose.

At that moment, I didn't know how right I was. Our lives would never be the same again.

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