Chapter 17: An Unexpected Alpha

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Pic of Colton to the side>>> You will meet him soon enough...


Third person's POV

"Mate!" Jason pulls her into his arms and tingles erupt on her pale skin. Never experiencing the feeling before, Roxy gasps in surprise and awe as Jason takes her face in his and plants a searing kiss on her delicate lips, both of them blissfully unaware of their surroundings and the shock they have caused. Just as they melted into each other's embrace, Roxy is abruptly pulled away from him and he looks up into the furious eyes of Alpha Chase holding her tightly against him while she tries to cower away from him.

"She's mine." Jason growls through gritted teeth and takes a menacing step towards him. "No. She isn't. I've already staked my claim on her. She bears my mark." Alpha Chase smirked maliciously.

Jason looked to her neck and saw the truth, his heart shattering a million pieces, thinking she didn't wait for him and chose to be with another while his wolf refuses his deduction of the situation and encourages him to see the real truth - she was forced; it was not her choice.

"I will fight for her. I will fight till my last breath." Jason trusts his wolf and declares his challenge openly, looking at her with a sad smile while her eyes glistened with fresh tears of hope.

"You dare challenge me, an Alpha. How dare you!" Chase roars, stepping towards Jason with the intent to kill. Alina steps between the and stops the Alpha is his tracks. "I have a feeling you're not worthy of your title and if my suspicions are correct, the council would have your head." She warns.

"How cute. The little girl thinks her title allows her to give me orders. " He chuckles sarcastically.

"Don't even think- " Xavier growls, but is cut off by Alina. "Don't. He's not worth it and he's about to get a rude awakening." She nods to Jason, granting him his request for what he was about to do.

"I, Jason Jacobs, Beta of Red Moon, challenge you Chase Jordan - Alpha of the Aces - to an Apprehension Battle. Do you accept?" Jason challenges him for the Alpha title, knowing it's the only way to break the bond and free Roxy because it was a fight to the death.

Chase, not wanting to lose face to a Beta no less, growls his acceptance, thinking this would be so easy. "Yes, I accept."

Roxy gasps in despair. "Are you crazy? Do you know what you're doing? If you lose this you will die!" She sobs and breaks out of Chase's hold, running to Jason's side and he does his best to console her before passing her to his sister, walking into the circle the packs had formed.

"Are you ready to die boy?" Chase sniggers scornfully.

Jason stands facing against him in determination as Xavier steps forward to address them, as it was on his land the challenge was made. "You both know of the rules and consequences of the Apprehension challenge. No wolf shall intervene and only one will make it out alive. With the Goddess as our witness, let the fight commence. " He passes by Jason and whispers in his ear. "I know an Alpha is not to take sides but what the hell, go kick his ass, brother." He slaps his back and walks to the edge of the circle to stand beside Alina as the fight commences.

Chase leaps to attack first, throwing a punch at Jason but Jason acts fast and dodges it stepping away from him. Alpha Chase, having righted his balance, knocks him down, drawing blood from Jason's chest with his extended claws and Jason lands with a hard thud on the ground, leaving him breathless. Roxy gasps and tries to run forward but Alina holds her back, knowing and trusting in Jason's combat skills.

Jason recovers within seconds and transforms into his Ryder seamlessly, surprising Chase causing him to take a step back. He tries to make a quick shift but is too slow as he is taken down by Ryder latching onto his torso and tossing him into the air. Chase transforms midair and lands hard on the ground. Both wolves clash in tooth and nail as they battle to victory, leaving a bloody, gruesome trail behind them.

Tension-filled moments pass and Chase's wolf starts to tire from exhaustion and blood loss, limping to stay upright. Ryder sees this and goes in for the final kill. Chase tries to aim for Ryder's neck in defense but he dodges at the last second, twisting away and gripping onto Chase's neck with his strong jaws and razor-sharp teeth, snapping it - killing him instantly.

Alina watches in pride as her brother releases the corpse and tilts his head back as he howls his victory to the moon, ascending to his new title - Alpha of the Aces.

Jason transforms back as someone from the pack brings him a pair of shorts which he gratefully accepts and puts on just as Roxy leaps forwards to catch him before his knees give out from under him, holding him up as they fall into each other's arms in relief and contentment.

The sight of his injuries was horrible. He had cuts and bruises everywhere, and a nasty gash across his chest. They limped towards the rest of the gang and they received him with congratulations and hugs, being mindful of his wounds.

"Thank the Goddess, you're okay. I don't know what I would do without my favourite brother." Thea hugs him with tears in her eyes. "I'm your only brother." He laughs and returns her hug, wincing.

"Congrats man." Xavier said with a smile. "You are officially Alpha of the Aces and Roxy is all yours." He shakes his hand and goes in for a bro hug.

"Thanks man. But there is one thing." Jason replies giving Xavier a bro hug.

"What's that?" Alina questions curiously.

"You're going to need a new Gamma." Jason reminds us as he rests his chin on Roxy's head. "And I have the perfect replacement in mind." He looks at Thea.

"You know what, you're absolutely right. Thea is the perfect person for the job." Alina catches on and agrees, after mind-linking Xavier about it. "The perfect Gamma couple."

Thea's eyes widen in surprise and a smile starts to form. "It would be my honour to serve as your Gamma." She bows to Xavier and Alina and seconds later is swooped into Aiden's arms as he lets out a shout of excitement.

Xavier and Alina address the packs once more, introducing Thea as Gamma and announcing Jason as the official Alpha of the Aces. The Aces accepted him with open arms, never liking their previous Alpha but having no choice but to follow him. Once the formalities are over the packs settle down and disperse for dinner.

"Not to put a bump in the road but do you think I could get some painkillers?" Jason's voice breaks the silence as they watch the pack members milling about. The gang bursts into laughter, having momentarily forgotten about Jase's injuries during the formalities.

"Let's get you to the infirmary tough guy." Riley says while shaking her head.

So much for our initiation. 

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