Chapter 3 A Certain Dream

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The walk back to Head Quarters was long and awkward. You were both chained together again but neither you nor the college boy said anything to each other the whole time. The two of you entered the monitoring room where L was found, still looking at the screens.

"We're back," you said and walked over to where L was.

"Ah yes, I see," L stated blankly.

The man swiveled his chair to face the two of you. He then pulled a small key out of his pocket and unlocked your cuff; locking it back onto his own wrist. Without a word, Ryuzaki turned his attention back to the large screens in front of him. You exchanged a look with Light before heading upstairs to your room.

~~~Tiiiiiiiime skip because I'm lazyyyyy~~~

You had stayed in your room for a few hours now. You had watched a bit of tv and ate a snack, but had gotten tired of watching reruns of the same shows. So after a while of sitting and being bored, you decided to start drawing. Many of the sketches were just random things, but there were a few really detailed pictures that had taken you a while to finish. Tiredness struck you while you were sketching a beautiful rose with a small ribbon around the stem. You yawned and decided to take a small nap.

"It wouldn't hurt to sleep for just a bit," you whispered to yourself and soon drifted to sleep.

You and L sat on a couch in a random room and were watching a cooking show. The woman on screen was preparing a large chocolate cake for some special event. Watching the lady make the cake made your stomach rumble.

"I'm going to grab something from the kitchen. Do you want anything?" You asked and stood up.

"(Y/n)," L said suddenly. You turned to face him. He was staring intensely at you, seeming to take in every detail of your body.

"Yes?" You replied, feeling your cheeks start to heat up.

He got up from the couch and took a step closer to you, smirking slightly. You stepped back as he took another few steps towards you. You continued to walk backwards until your back was met by a wall. The raven haired man placed both of his hands on the wall to keep you from escaping.

"Let me kiss you," he said, gazing into your (e/c) eyes.

Your cheeks were burning red now and butterflies fluttered in your stomach as you stuttered a reply, "W-what?"

L leaned in closer. "Let me kiss you," he whispered in your ear causing shivers to run up and down your spine. The detective looked back into your eyes and leaned in closer; to the point where you could feel his warm breath graze your lips.

"L..." You whispered and felt yourself leaning towards the man.

"(Y/n)." You heard a voice say and felt something flick your forehead. You opened your eyes slowly, groaning grumpily about being woken up. Sitting up, you were met by a pair of dark eyes. "Good, you're awake."

"L!" You exclaimed and backed away, falling off your bed in the process.

"It's Ryuzaki, ms. (l/n)."

You climbed back onto your bed and glared at the man. "Ok, Ryuzaki. What are you doing in my room?"

"There's no need to be so on guard," he replied and got off your bed to explore the rest of your room, "I simply came up here to check on you." L picked up a small necklace and examined it. "You've been in your room for quite a while."

You stood up and walked over to him, grabbing the necklace from his hands. "Well I was just relaxing and decided to take a nap."

"While we're on the topic of napping, care to tell me what you dreamt of in order to make you blush like that?" The detective said poking your cheek.

You slapped his hand away and felt your cheeks. They were super hot and continued to warm as you thought back to your dream. Ryuzaki tilted his head to the side. "Could it have been about a boy? A male you like I presume?"

You quickly shook your head, "nonononono! I was just... On a big stage in front of 1000s of people while doing embarrassing things."

"I do not believe that would cause you to blush this much," he said and poked your cheek again.

"Stop that!" You smacked his hand away again, "that's really what my dream was about."

Ryuzaki nodded after a moment. "If you say so."

Silence immediately filled the room. You watched as L wandered around your room without a single emotion displayed on his face. He took his time, picking up small things and then gently placing them back in their rightful places.

"Where's Light?" You questioned.

"He's downstairs chained to the arm of a chair."

You laughed a little at the thought of Light struggling to uncuff himself from the chair. "That doesn't sound very fun."

"On the contrary, it is quite amusing seeing him wobble around with a large chair in his hands," L replied, picking up a picture of you when you were younger and placing it back on your nightstand.

"Ha I bet," you giggled.

The pale man lifted up one of your drawings with his pointer fingers and thumbs, in his awkward yet adorable way, and spoke again, "I do feel rather distressed that I wasn't able to come with you and Light to the café. Perhaps you and I could go walk around the city and eat something."

"What about Light?" You asked.

"What about him?" L asked back.

"Well, I was just thinking that he might like to come along with us," you said as you swung your legs back and forth on the side of your bed.

"He'll be fine here," L said with a slightly stern tone.

"I guess so..."

"We'll leave in an hour," the detective said and began to exit your room.

"Wait, Ryuzaki!"

L stopped and looked at you over his shoulder, "yes ms. (L/n)?"

"Is this... a date?"

He seemed to think about this for a moment before nodding. "Yes, I believe it is," he responded and exited the room, closing the door behind him.

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