Chapter 8 Stolen Kiss

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---Light's P.O.V.---

(Y/n) had been missing for hours. No one knew where she was and we all dropped what we were doing to find her.

•=•Flashback•=• (in regular P.O.V.)

L had walked calmly into the meeting room where everyone, except you of course, were gathered. Ilene soon followed behind him and took a seat in one of the chairs. The men all stopped talking about the case and gave their full attention to the odd man; even Misa quieted down.

"Were any of you perhaps upstairs just a few moments ago?" L questioned the group. They all shared the answer no, some looking around at the others in confusion.

"Why do you ask Ryuzaki?" Mr. Yagami questioned.

All eyes turned back to the detective, who took his time to answer. "I was just disturbed while in the middle of doing something," he said simply.

"Oh," the chief officer replied, obviously not knowing what to say.

L scanned the room for a moment, doing a headcount of everyone that was here. Everyone was accounted for except a certain (h/c) haired girl. The gears in the detective's head began turning as he thought of today's events. He had not seen you in the hallway, nor did he see you when he came downstairs.

"Has anyone here seen miss (l/n)?" The man questioned. Again, everyone shook their heads, allowing more puzzle pieces to fall into their place. "Hmm I see," L said and placed his thumb to his upper lip.

"I wouldn't bother looking in her room, it's been too quiet in there even for her," Misa said, joining in the conversation.

"Indeed..." Ryuzaki responded, "I will check just in case."

"You pervert! You always go into her room! I bet you don't even knock!" Misa shrieked.

L simply ignored the stupid girl and checked to see if you had been in your room all this time. You weren't. Not knowing of your whereabouts did worry the detective slightly, but he decided to wait for a while, thinking that you had gone outside for something.

~~~time skip~~~

Hours passed with no word from you and everyone was starting to worry, especially since a large storm started to roll in.

"I suggest we split up and try to find her," Mogi said while grabbing an umbrella from a large pot, under the coat hanger.

"Yeah! We'll find her faster if we each go to different parts of the city," Matsuda agreed, also grabbing an umbrella.

Slowly, but surely, everyone went along with the plan and set out to find the missing girl.

•=•End of flashback•=•

However, since Misa and I were still suspects of the Kira case, which I thought was ridiculous, we were forced to stay at the tower in case she came back. It was late and still, no one had come back. Misa decided to head to bed, after waiting for a good hour or so, while I continued to sit on the stairs.

"I should be out there helping them," I grumbled to myself, "it's not fair. Besides, there's no way I could be Kira. I wouldn't kill all those people if I had a chance... Would I? No, that's absurd!"

The elevator dinged loudly, echoing throughout the empty floor. I sighed, thinking it was the team. But I was wrong... The elevator doors opened, revealing (y/n). She sped walked to the stairs, trying to get past me.

---Normal P.O.V.---

You tried to squeeze past the brown haired student but failed miserably. Light grabbed both of your arms, holding you in place.

"Let me go Light," you whispered and turned your gaze to the floor.

"(Y/n) where were you? And jeez! You're soaking wet! You'll catch a-"

"A-achoo," you sneezed into your sleeve, cutting into his sentence.

"Come on, I'll take you to your room and then you need to take a warm bath. I'll cook some soup for you." Light said, helping you up the steps.

"Light, really I'm fine... A-a-achoo!" You sneezed again.

"No you're not fine, now go take a warm bath and I'll be up there in a few minutes."

You sighed, knowing you weren't going to change his mind, and unlocked the door to your bedroom. "Fiiine."

~~~time skip~~~

Light had been taking very good care of you. The soup he made was absolutely delicious and you had eaten every last spoonful. You were now laying in bed, with a cool rag on your forehead, and Light was sitting in a chair to your left.

"Thank you for all of this," you said and smiled slightly.

"No problem," he replied and smiled as well, "but I meant to ask, why did you leave for so long?"

Your mood turned gloomy again thinking about all the events that had happened today and in the past week. "I was just angry, that's all."

Light raised one of his eyebrows, "why were you angry?"

You groaned loudly and placed a pillow over your face. You really didn't want to share how you felt about L with Light, and you really didn't want to tell him how heartbroken you were. "It's complicated ok?" Your voice was muffled by the pillow.

"What? All I can hear is 'mifmuffimated,'" Light chuckled as he mocked you.

You removed the pillow from your face, clearly agitated. "I said it's complicated."

Light leaned back in his chair, "I've got time."

You sighed and decided to put it all out there. He would be the first to know how you really felt about the genius L.

~~~time skip with potato chips~~~

You sat cross legged on the bed, your eyes nailed to the floor as you finished the story. All of your emotions had bubbled up as you spilled your heart out, causing you to cry and yell while speaking. Right now you were silent. The heavy burden of your feelings was finally lifted, allowing you to be somewhat calm. Light was silent as well, seeming to think about everything you had just told him.

"Ryuzaki is an idiot," Light stated. You lifted your head up to look at him as he continued speaking, "you're an amazing young woman. You're beautiful, smart, funny, kind, strong willed, I could go on for hours. If he can't see that then he's missing out on one heck of a girl."

You blushed at the compliments the boy gave you, "I-I guess so."

Light leaned over, placing both of his warm hands on your cheeks. You could feel your blush increase at the sudden contact but didn't move away. "There is no 'I guess so.' You're everything a guy could ever wish for," Light said in a silky voice and began to lean closer to you. Without any time to react, you felt Light's lips press against yours. Your eyes widened in surprise and your body stiffened. Feeling this, Light pulled away slowly and held your hands in his own.

"I won't pressure you into doing anything you don't want to do right now. I know you're heartbroken and shocked, but I won't give up on making you mine. L doesn't deserve you and I won't allow him to try and trick you into giving him another chance," Light said softly and gently kissed your forehead, "sleep well (y/n)." The boy then stood up and left the room.

You sat there with a million thoughts circling in your head. The world seemed to love to confuse you. You laid back down and pulled the blanket up to cover yourself.

'Life sucks.'


Woah bro! What just happened? Idek haha
Drama drama drama DRAMA MAMA

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~Addymac (^O^)

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