Chapter 6 Hope Kills

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~~~5 days later~~~

Misa's friend was a pain. An absolute pain. Ever since Ilene arrived, L and little miss perfect had spent every second together. She was even getting in the way of L's detective duties; though he didn't seem to mind. You tried to spend time with Ryuzaki, you really did... But everytime you asked if he wanted to hang out he'd have an excuse.

"Oh sorry (y/n), I can't. I'm heading to the mall with Ilene."
"Sorry I can't hang out today, I promised Ilene that I'd go to the zoo with her."
"I'm taking Ilene to the movie theater."
"Ilene and I planned to meet up at the café."
Ilene, Ilene, Ilene, Ilene.

The only time he was without her was when it was time for her to go home and sleep.

"We're still meeting at the café tomorrow right, L?"
"Come on L, we don't want to be late for the movie!"
"L, don't call me plum princess!"
"Do you think we could grab something to eat, L?"

Another thing that pushed your buttons was that she was the only one that L didn't correct when it came to his identity. You tried to call him L once, just to see if he was being lenient, but he quickly told you to call him Ryuzaki.

"Why is she any different than me?" You groaned and let your head fall on the desk in front of you. You had been spending a lot of time in the monitoring room, watching the two friends' every move. Sure it was a bit stalkerish, but you didn't want any funny business to happen between the two of them.

'L kissed me. Not her. That means he likes me more than her right? Right?' You thought and looked back to the screens. Nothing was happening and the halls were clear. L and Ilene had gone out to do something together an hour ago, the Task Force was in the meeting room again, and Misa was currently assaulting her lover with hugs and kisses. You sighed. 'Everything's so quiet and lonely now. I hate it.'

The sudden ding of the elevator made you look away from the monitors for a moment, but you only looked forward again when you saw who it was. Out stepped L with a red balloon painted on his cheek and cotton candy in each hand. Following behind him was Ilene. She too, had her cheek painted but it was only a few purple flowers. They laughed together and began talking, obviously not acknowledging your existence.

"The circus was so fun! I haven't been to one in so long!" The girl cheered.

"Yes, it was quite interesting. Maybe we could go again sometime," the raven-haired man replied and took a large bite out of his cotton candy, leaving a little on his cheek.

"Aww L don't eat that too fast or you'll get a stomach ache!" The annoying brunette said and wiped the cotton from his cheek.

You felt the need to gag at the scene you just witnessed. It was so weird the way they treated each other. It was way more than friendly in your eyes. You clenched your fists tightly.

'Waaay more than friendly.'

You looked back up at the screens and saw the two of them had decided to roam the halls. They continued to talk, with a small laugh here and there. You kept a close eye on them, watching both of their movements like a hawk. They stopped at a room you had never been in before and Ryuzaki unlocked it, letting Ilene walk in first before walking in himself. To your dismay, there was no camera in that room. And so, you did what any other bored "stalker" would do; you walked down the hallway and tried to find the room.

After walking past ten rooms or so, you finally found the one they were in (due to the loud voices and giggling coming from inside). You gently gripped the door handle, turning it lightly and pushing the door open ever so slightly. The door was open just enough for you to see what was going on. Ryuzaki and Ilene were standing in the middle of the room, not a word coming from either of them. They stood awfully close together... A bit too close for comfort.

'What's going on here...'

"L..." Your thoughts were interrupted as Ilene broke the silence and placed a hand on the detective's cheek. Both of them leaned in; closer and closer until their lips locked together in a passionate kiss. Your heart stopped as you watched the kiss unfold before you. Ilene's hands ran through L's hair as the detective snuck his arms around her waist and pulled her closer.

You couldn't watch any longer. Your eyes welled with tears as you slammed the door closed harshly. You ran and ran until you reached the elevator, stepping inside and pounding on the Lobby button. The elevator quickly raced down the floors and opened up its doors so you could run again. You rushed outside, sprinting down the street to where? You didn't know. You just wanted to get away from the lies. Away from L. And away from your feelings.

'Hope is an illusion. It's put into our minds so we have the will to keep going. Hope isn't real. It's only there to hurt you when you latch onto it. Hope is awful. Hope is heartbreak. Hope equals numbness. Hope kills.'


Such a sad chapter. Sorry to cause any tears :/

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