Chapter 17 What If?

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I've always wanted to say that x3
(Future author here; I used the word "member" in places of genital words because, at the time, I didn't know how anyone would react to me using genital words. It's been brought to my attention many times so I just wanted to clear that up. Alright, continue.)

"In our top story tonight, the anonymous killer, Kira, has been revealed to be the head of police, Sochiro Yagami's, son, Light Yagami," you turned your attention away from the laundry to look at the TV. "We have been informed by the police that Mr. Yagami was shot during his revealing and tried to escape. His body was later found in a nearby abandoned building and was declared dead at the scene. In other news~" you stopped listening after the reporters started a different story.

"It seems Light finally got what was coming to him." You turned in the direction of the voice. L walked up the remaining stairs and into the bedroom that you and him now shared.

"Justice served," you said over dramatically and laughed along with L.

It had been a few weeks since the last time you had seen anyone apart of the TASK Force. Misa had turned herself in and helped with the capture of Kira, as well as earning a few years off of her prison sentence. You had done as you promised and visited Misa one to two times a week; each time with an update about how you and L were doing.

You had also called the head of investigators to tell them that you would no longer be apart of any criminal cases and that you were going to settle in a new home with a friend. The force had respected your choice and gave you some goodbye gifts before you left their team forever.

Watari had helped you plan a fake funeral, at which you did not attend because you were too 'heart broken', and create a new profile for L under the name Ryuzaki. L decided that it would be alright to continue to live in the city, so you both settled in at his getaway house. And so, here you are; living in a large home, with a new job, and in a world without the worries of Kira.

"It's quite sad Mr. Yagami is dead. He was starting to grow on me," L said which caused him to get a face full of a cotton white shirt.

"Oh shut up you liar," you joked and continued to fold the laundry.

"You've been very busy these past few weeks," L said and snaked his arms around your waist from behind. "You've barely had any time to spend with me."

"You're the reason why I've been so busy," you muttered in reply.

"Ah yes," he continued and leaned closer to your ear. "How can I repay you for your hard work?"

"Repay me? That doesn't seem necessary..."

"Nonsense," L said sternly and quickly spun you around so you were facing him.

"L really, there's no need for you to-"

The man cut you off by cupping your face in his hands and smashing his lips against yours. Your eyes widened at the sudden act but slowly closed as the seconds ticked by. Your arms managed to find their way around L's neck as his hands slid down to your waist, pulling you closer. The kiss soon began to get heated. L's slick tongue grazed your bottom lip, asking for entrance. You allowed him the access to explore your mouth, which he gladly obliged to. Your tongues began to tangle in a small battle for dominance as your bodies came closer together. Your fingers became entangled in L's dark hair while he forcefully pulled your body as close as possible to his own. Unfortunately your lungs began burning for air, causing you and L to break away from each other.

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