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The wedding with L was a grand one. Even though only a select few people were invited, L went all out to make sure it was a day to remember. You still remembered walking down the isle in your dream wedding dress, Watari at your side. L had been waiting for you next to the preacher and was wearing the biggest and brightest smile anyone had ever seen him have. This made you very happy. You were the only person that made L smile that big. The musicians played the well known bride's tune as you got closer to the man you truly loved.

You remember the scene being quite magical. Almost as if you were a princess in a storybook that was finally getting her happily ever after. But the one thing that you remember most about your wedding wasn't the atmosphere. It wasn't the beautiful dress, or L's brilliant smile. It was when the time came to say the vows. L hadn't allowed you to hear his vows in advance to the wedding like other couples; no, he wished for it to be a surprise that would touch your heart.

You remember the moment very well. You had just gotten done speaking your heartfelt words to your soon to be husband. It was his turn now and he paused, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath before gazing deeply into your (e/c) orbs.

"(Y/n) (L/n). My companion. My partner. My lover. My everything. Meeting you was a miracle that is unknown to even the smartest of men. Why you chose to stay with me through the years will forever be a mystery to me, but I must thank the heavens for your decision. You are my light in the darkness of this cruel world. My laughter when everything is dull. You are the shiniest and most beautiful star in my pitch black sky. To live even a second with you is enough for me, but knowing I have forever with you is almost unfathomable. You are the sweetest of my sweets and I promise to care and protect you for as long as I live."

You remember having the urge to wrap your arms around him and kiss the man right then and there, but instead you just stood there while a few loose tears fell from your eyes.

It was a wonderful wedding, and an even better wedding reception. You and L danced the night away. It was a truly wonderful time.

It wasn't until a week or two later that you both came to find out that you were pregnant. You were a bit nervous to see how L would react to the news. To your relief, L was overjoyed that he was going to become a father.

After a long couple of months, you finally gave birth to a handsome baby boy. He had his father's dark eyes and your (h/c) colored hair. The two of you decided on the name (any boy name). You were both happy with your son and watched as he grew up.

Not long after (son's name)'s 3rd birthday, you found out that you were once again pregnant. A couple of months passed and you greeted your new baby girl (any girl name) into the world. Her features were opposite of her older brother; her hair was a dark raven black like her dad's and she had your lovely (e/c) eyes.

Your two children grew at a steady pace, getting more and more wonderful with each given day. (Daughter's name) took after her father's side and gained his super intelligence. (Son's name) on the other hand took after your side and gained a love for sketching. Both children, however, picked up a love of music and (son's name) began taking piano lessons; teaching (daughter's name) a few tunes as well.

All in all your life was pretty amazing. These were the best few years you've ever had in your entire life. You were happy that you finally were able to have a family to live and care for.

"Mommy, mommy! Daddy and I found animal tracks over there! Come on you have to come with us and bubba!" (Daughter's name) said snapping you from your thoughts. She tugged on your shirt sleeve so you could follow her.

"Come here you little detective," L's voice sang as he swooped (daughter's name) in his arms and spun her around.

"Let her go you thief!" (Son's name) shouted and pulled on L's shirt. L released her and watched as the two children made their 'getaway.'

L chuckled and held out a hand for you to take. You smiled and took his hand as he hoisted you onto your feet.

"Animal tracks huh?" You questioned with a bright smile and laced fingers with your lover.

"Just a simple cat's tracks," he laughed. "She said that they actually belong to a tiger."

You laughed as well and started to walk forward. "She must have her dad's imagination."

"No I'm pretty sure that's from your side my dear," he replied and gave you a kiss on the head.

"Mom! Dad! Hurry up, we found the cats!" (Son's name) cheered.

"Tigers!" (Daughter's name) corrected.

You laughed slightly to yourself. This is your family. This is your life. You glanced up at L's cheerful face and then back to your kids.

'And I wouldn't have it any other way.'

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