Chapter 35: The Fall That Ends It All Part 1

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* Haydee's POV *

I am sitting in the hospital thinking about what the doctor has said, that I am pregnant? How could this be? How am I going to tell Michael? Could he possibly be the father or is Micah the father?

My mom, dad and grandpa left me to rest, they went home to think of a plan to kill Hannah.

I just start at the ceiling. I miss Michael so much.

I can't continue to live like this, before Michael came into my life it was fine.

I was normal, now look at me.

A pregnant vampire witch, who is in the hospital because my great grandmother who looks exactly like me wants to kill me because she wants the man that loves me.

I can't take it.

I have to end this, I want to kill myself.

I sit up in the bed, and look over in at the window and it's open.

I get out the bed and walk over to the window.

I look out and I am on the 5th floor. Now that high but high enough to do damage.

I get up on the stand to climb outside the window.

I stand on the ledge and just close my eyes.

I open them back up and I look at my stomach, I have a bump already. The baby is growing fast but I don't want to raise a child by myself. I have no clue where Michael is, and I'll be dammed if I have to raise a child with Micah.

I know this is Michael's baby. I feel nothing but love inside of me. But I can't be a mother, I know nothing about children.

I look back up and see birds flying in the sky.

I have gotten most of my strength back, and I have gained new powers.

Being half witch half vampire, gives you so much power it's kind of hard to control.

I look at one bird and see its eyes, I control his flight and make him fly to me.

He comes closer and I grab him and sink my teeth into its body, feeding on its blood.

I finish and throw the bird down 5 stories.

I look out again and see something flying in the sky, it doesn't look like a bird, and I know it's not a plane.

It looks like.....a bat...a bat??

"OMG MICHAEL??" I scream

The bat turns and looks at me and speeds over to my direction.

I try to grab him but I stumble and I am falling 5 stories.

I am screaming to the top of my lungs holding my stomach.

I close my eyes as I continue to fall, this is it.

I am done for.

Goodbye mom, dad, grandpa.

I guess Hannah has finally won.

Goodbye Michael.

To be continued. ....



King of the Damned (COMPLETED) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora