Chapter 16: Is this LOVE?!?!?!

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* Michael's POV*

I am throwing everything, I can get my hands on.

"Rrrraaaahhhh" I scream

Why did I do that?? What is my problem??

She must still be sleeping, when that happens you will sleep for three days.

She is gonna be mad when she wakes up, but what do I care??

I kick a tree down, and fly into the night.

I go over to Hannah's house, I look through her window she is still asleep.

She looks so beautiful. Her blondish brown hair hugging her angelic face. Her plump pink lips, her slim body that feels oh so. . . . . . . . . what...the...fuxk.

I shake my head, "What am I saying?" i slap myself.

I hate her, she killed my family . . . . . . but it seems the more I'm around her torturing her, I feel close to her.

I go inside and change into human form. I walk to her bed and lean over to look in her face. I lean forward more and smell her.

Mmmmm, she smells like cherries and vanilla.

I back up and see the bite mark, I placed on her neck.

I instantly feel bad.

"You will know why, I did this?" I say leaning toward her again.

I do the unthinkable, I kiss her lips.

They are soft like clouds.

I move back and see her smile slightly and continue to sleep.

I run out the window and change into bat form.

I can't keep this up, my ultimate plan was to come back and kill Hannah but I think my plans have changed.

Everyday, I wake up thinking about her and at night, I go to sleep thinking about her. . . . . . . . . . . .  .. . . . . . . .


* Haydee's POV*  

3 days later. .. . . . . . . . .

"AHHHHHHHHHH" i wake up with unbeareable pain in my stomach.

It feels like I haven't eaten in days, and my stomach is eating me alive.

My skin feels so cold, and tight.

I try and make it out of bed, but I fall to the floor.

"OOOOWWWWW" I shout.

The sun soon makes its way through the window and it shines onto my skin and it starts burning.

"Oww what the f**k?" I question

Then I stop and think.

I run to the bathroom, with my stomach still in pain.

I look in the mirror, and my reflection scares me.

"AHHHHHHH WHAT DID HE DO TO ME?" i look because. . . .  .I have NO reflection.

I'm looking in the mirrior and no one is looking at me.

I start to cry and grab my neck, that's when i feel the two bite marks

"HE CHANGED ME INTO A VAMPIRE" i scream and I go mad.

I'm throwing everything I can lay my hands on.

I run out of breathe and slide down the wall, tears falling out of my eyes.

"Why God, Why me??" I cry more and more.

Then I stop and realise something.

He didn't kill me, but he wants me dead.

But he didn't kill me, does this mean he. . .. . love me????

I shake my head and lay down and close my eyes

But then I jump up with my eyes bugged out. .

"OMG HE CALLED ME. . . . . HANNAH" i say running out the room.

To be continued. . . . . . . . . .




Things are about to come together and make sense.

So if anyone is let me know

LOve you guys



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