Chapter 21: Wait. . . . .What??

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* Haydee's POV*

It has been 2 weeks, since that incident with Michael.

I am staying at my parents guest house, they don't know a thing but they are worried about me because they see my skin is gray.

i just told them I had an allergic reaction to some soap.

I had to quit my job at the school, they understood, especially with all my friends dying and everything.

Right now, I am sitting on my bed with the window open, looking at the moon.

"I really need to figure this out." I say shaking my head.

My stomach starts growling, "Ughh."

Ever since Michael changed me, I have been eating non-stop.

Surprisingly a bird flies down and sits on my window.

I snatch it up real quick and sink my teeth into it and start eating.

It starts squeaking loudly, I grab its head and twist it off, letting the blood fall into my mouth and swallowing it.

"Hey honey, I got you some-AHHHHH OH MY GOD!!!" I whip my head around and see my mom dropping a tray of food on the floor and holding her chest.

i am stuck looking at her with the bird's head in my hand with its blood dripping onto me, and its body in my other hand.

She drops to the floor and passes out.

I run to the bathroom and into the shower and turn the water on and let the water hit every part of my body.

The blood is falling off of me as I scrub my face and body off.

I start crying violently, I hate him so much for doing this to me. And I can't believe that I thought he might have loved me, my dumb ass. . . . .

I wash all over and get out, drying off and putting on new clothes to leave out.

I open the bathroom door, and see my mother still on the floor.

I go over and pick her up bridal style and lay her on my bed. Apparently, I have super strength as well.

I tuck her under the covers and kiss her forehead, and hop out the window and walk down the street.

I see this bar, I go inside and not alot of people are here, just a few playing pole and dancing to the jutebox and others just drinking.

I walk over to the bar and take a seat and read the menu,

" Blood

Sm= $.99, Md= $1.99, Lg= $2.99


Whole= $3.99, Head= $2.50


Whole= $35.99, Parts may vary due to how big or small, skinny or fat."

What the f**k?!?!?!?!?!

"I'm guessing this is your first time at a vamp bar or you are a human." I hear this deep voice say

I turn around and see this unbelievably sexy guy. Standing tall, with short hair, a tannish-gray complexion, big blue eyes, and pearly white. . . . .fangs.

"So this is a vamp bar??" I ask turning back in my seat and he sitting next to me.

"Yea, what's your name??" He asked

"Haydee and you?"

"I'm Micah" he extends his hand for me to shake it.

I reach out to shake instead he kisses my hand so gently.

I smile, then a big gush of wind hits the bar.

Micah covers me as bottles are being thrown, chairs are flying around.

"What's going on??" I yell under the powerful wind.

"He's coming!!" He yelled back.

"Who's coming??"

Before he could answer me, the wind stops and the door fly open, we all direct our attention to the door.

All the other vampires drop to their knees, even Micah.

I look at him, and he brings me down to my knees as well.

I look back up at the door and its. . . . . Michael.

He is wearing shades, and has his curls pulled into a ponytail. He is wearing a gold X across his chest. Like military uniform but its kind of sexy.

"Oh shxt" I whisper

I put my head down so he won't see me.

"Why are we down on our knees??" I ask Micah quietly.

"Because he is here"

"And again I ask why are we bowing to him??"

"Because he is the King."

I slowly raise my head to at Michael and he is smiling looking at everyone in bar bowing at his presence. He walks in and the doors shut behind him.

"The King Of The Damned!!" Micah says

"Wait. . . . . what!!" I say looking all the way up and Michael throws his shades and his eyes quickly meet mine.

Dammitt. . . . . . . .

To be continued. . . . . .. .





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