Tech Fest

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"Assalamualikum girls!!!",greeted zabya from behind. We replied to her Salam.
"walikum Salam zab! Ummm...we were just thinking know?if you could bunk...",even before i could complete my sentence,zabya almost pounced on me with various reasons.

"what do you mean by bunking class mairuu???have you gone crazy? we have classes.We can't miss the lectures.,internals are nearing and moreover our attendance status message will be sent home.What will I tell papa if he enquires?what will sir think??what if we get attendance shortage?what if...?",she would go on and on we if wouldn't hush her.We also exchanged glances at each other which was more like 'we so knew this would happen' look.

"shhhhhhhhhh!!!!!zabyaaaa!!!calm down okay?firstly, we hardly listen to the lectures ,so no point sitting there,suppose maamu enquires just tell him u had participated in the fest .And lastly,you won't get attendance shortage as we get attendance.Is that fine now , zab?",I told her trying hard to convince.

"we get attendance???!!!!!then what are we waiting for???let's register!!!come fast.Why are you'll walking so slow??what if the registration counter closes??",said zabya filled with full of enthusiasm.

asmuu and reem giggled at her excess concern for a day's attendance.We immediately went to the counter, got ourselves registered for the junkyard sale and treasure hunt which was the following day.

The organisers told us that we'll be given 30 mins to collect any waste materials found inside the premises and 3 hours to construct a model out of the things we collected.

"your time starts now",told the organiser and we rushed in either directions.Reem and I went near the stores and collected empty boxes dry leaves ,newspapers and bottle caps while asmuu and zabya rushed to the library to collect some useless xerox papers.We reached the venue where we had to construct the model dead on time.

"Phew!!this was so tiring . who on earth walks so much? I'll just take a nap when you'll construct the model . wake me up once your done alright?",said asma as she is very lazy and loves sleeping.

"asmuu we hardly walked few steps and you didn't even run or anything.You walked so slow . you need to engage yourself with some physical activity to remain healthy live long enough to narrate stories to your grandchildren, you know?" ,joked reem while me and zabya laughed out loud.

"If that was the case then turtles would never live for 400 years reemie.",protested asmuu with a smirk expressing how proud she was about her laziness.

Within the next 2 hours we constructed model.we planned on doing a designer dress by making paper fans and sticking it to the cone shaped model we had made.
The lower part of the body looked very presentable while the torso was a total disaster.We just kept the top part plain and placed a small piece of cardboard on top of the model with a bottle cap attached to it and transformed it into a lie detector.

"The judges will be arriving in a few minutes . Wind up with all the work and clear your place .you'll need to market your product too . So, one member from the group will explain the model and it's use...hurry up guys!!you'll have 15 mins more",announced the organiser giving us a panick attack.

"Did he just ask us to explain about the model,?can't we just keep the model and go out how we used to during flower arrangement competitions back in school?this is unfair.Whose going to explain it from our group?",I asked looking at zabya,asma and reem.

"you know ,we have a friend called humaira who is really good at manipulating and cooking up stories the way she did this morning when she was late.don't you worry!she will handle it very well. WHY TO FEAR WHEN HUMAIRA IS HERE!",told reem in a tone filled with all the sarcasm in the world.

"you are kidding me right?I am so not going to do this.The judges are going to laugh at me . I won't make a fool out of myself.Do you'll get that?can you'll hear meee?we have no idea what we constructed,then what can we explain to the judges?", I blurted while those 3 idiots preferred ignoring me and continued with their own discussion.

when the judges arrived I was totally blank and my 3 sweetest friends stepped back, leaving me no option but to explain.

I'm trapped !!! That's what best friends do to you ,right?

"what is this model?could you please explain?",asked one of the 3 judges.

yeah right!!explain . I would be glad if he would explain what we had made . I had no freaking idea where to start from .

The worst part being all the seniors surrounded around us while he was interrogating about the model.

"Ummm...good afternoon sir . Well,as you can see its a lie detector . You need to place your hand on top of the bottle cap which serves as the sensor which will sense the pulses of your hand. If you lie, the pulses will skip a beat which will be detected by the detector and the fans will flare open as it is now . otherwise,the fans will remain closed.",I explained and sighed as i just blurted out at one shot without trying to decipher what I was blabbering.

"okay!quite impressive.where will you employ this?",asked the second judge.

"Domestic use and at investigation agencies.For instance,you can ask your kids when their late and it serves many such purposes.",I replied with a smile.

"what if the person is not sober and the situation is of that sort?"asked the last 3rd judge.

"we don't need a detector as a person who is not sober will be in his subconscious mind and will automatically tell the truth.",I replied as fast as I could because it is one of those times when you want to just a dig a hole in the ground and hide yourself for the nuisance you have created.

"what would be it's cost if your selling this?"asked one of the judge.

"we would obviously keep it economic as we want more people to buy it and as a promotional basis.",and with that reply I just looked back at my 3 idiots who had a wide smile on their face. I so wanted to kill them for trapping me.

"good!!it would have been better if it was a working model. I loved the concept though..good job!",the second judge said with a pleasing smile while the others smiled in agreement to what he said and they proceeded to the next model.

The 4 of us exchanged glances at each and started laughing uncontrollably . we laughed so hard that we had become tearful.

"see!!I told you would manage it."told reem with a smirk.

And then it was almost 3 o clock .we headed to the canteen, had lunch and left home with happy faces as we were awarded third place.Yes,you heard it right .We weren't that bad after all .

It sure was a tiring day!


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