Bride and The Bridesmaid

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It is He Who has created man from water: then He has established relationships of lineage and marriage: for your Lord has power (over all things). 
[25: Al-Furqan-54]
I was sitting in my bedroom both my hands filled with henna. I love indo aerobic design so the bridey's wish was fulfilled and I totally loved it but I  was pretty sure that,the mehendi waali would not have dealt with such an impatient bride in her entire career. I kept fidgeting with my dress or hair every 10 minutes. I was really tired sitting for such a long time, after the guests left I took a short nap .

A while later I woke up ,scraped the henna which had dried and offered my Isha prayers .

When I was fixing the pillow cover ,I jumped back hearing zabya shout my name.

"what's wrong zab??"

"You have so many creams and lotions!why don't you apply ??Atleast tonight please"

"Oh my Allah! You freaked me out!! Dad keeps getting from dubai assuming what girls at my age love best. But I am too lazy to sit and apply .Chuck it ,come sleep.",I told her while she looked at me with a poker face.

I nodded my head and pulled the duvets ,muttered the dua and shut my eyes. I could feel something tingling around my toes.

"Zab!!what the hell!!Why'd you do that?please stop!dont spoil your hands . I'm fine without that!".

"mairuu! !sshhhhh. are lazy , not me. I don't mind pampering my sis for the D-day ,alright. So sleep while I apply this cream."

She was one gem of a person whom I treasured in my life. I am blessed with such lovely parents and annoying ,protective adorable brother any sister could wish for. But an elder sister can always play the role of being a brother by being protective and caring but a brother on the other hand ,no matter how close ,can never play the role of a sister with whom you can share your girly feelings. Zabya always filled that void in my heart by being ever so caring .

I was sure going to miss our sleepovers,night outs, eating left over cold pizzas ,combine studies where we hardly studied and had fun and so much more.



"we stayed together for one whole year during 10th grade so that you could go to tuitions "

"I know right?!Those days were one of the best days of our lives. So many precious moments. Damn you mairuuu!!Don't make me all emotional now!how come you remembered that?"

"nah !like the lazy bum I am I complete half my assignment and drift off to sleep while you sit all night long to complete it so that Sir doesn't punish me."

"That was atleast okay!You remember how you used to sprinkle chilli powder on top of chocolates and pretend like being all sweet and feeding it while my mouth burns with fire. "

"haha yeahhh!!!you fell for that prank all the time "

"Remember when we went go-karting where you assured that I'm going to have the ride of my life?"

"Lol yeah!!but heyy!!!it sure was the ride of your life ,the way the car stopped with 4 turns "

"yeah right !the car ran out of fuel with your amateur drifting skills and the guard had to push our car with his own all the way to the finish line"

"Kids  day out in ooty boat house while the elders stayed back at the resort. remember? "

"How can I forget!!Scary house where you wore jaafar bhai's shades so that you couldn't see anything...hahaha"

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