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O Mankind, indeed we have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, The most noble of you in the sight of ALLAH is the most righteous of you. Indeed, ALLAH is knowing and acquainted.
(The Quran 49:13 )

6 months later...

"I'm nervous",I blurted out.

"Great ! it means your normal ",replied salma didi who was sitting next to me on the stage.

"very funny didi"

"what?! I'm just telling you the fact. 99.9% of the homo sapiens get nervous . I thought you were out of those 0.01% abnormal population . But Alhamdulilla you are fine."

"shhhhhhhhhh!!!stop it ,you guys! we are sitting on the stage. not here atleast?please?and mairuu please act like a bride for just one day, can you?",pleaded zabya .

"okay I want to eat . I'm famished "

"When I offered you breakfast this morning ,why did you throw those tantrums?"

"I was actually not hungry then ,didi"

"DO not start again for the sake of Allah. people are watching."

"hey look !zayed is coming this way "

And there goes my heart pounding so loud that it could crumble down the hall.

when he climbed the stage my heart beat would only race at a really high speed.

I thought I knew him from 6 months so I'd feel very comfortable and casual in his presence,but this scene was the opposite of my imagination. I could feel the heat burning my cheeks.

May be it was the effect of us not meeting for two weeks before the wedding .

"Assalamualikum ",he greeted to which I muttered walikum salam under my breath without lifting my gaze.

"How do you feel bridey?",he asked coming close to my ear while maintaining a smile on his face.

I didn't reply as I was running short of words. I just smiled and looked down.

I don't know if it was my reaction ,but zee was trying to hold back his laugh.

"Are you serious?I mean are you Mrs. Humaira ?Humaira and shy?I was expecting some funny face like the squinting of your eyes and sticking your tongue out?"

I let out a giggle imagining the scene in his head.
--------------an hour later...
It was time I bid goodbye to my family. It was difficult would be an understatement. I went to flashback from the time I used to return home from school in my uniform ,snacks would be ready while I drank tea narrating the whole days event to my mom. Jaafar would interrupt us and we would end up fighting. I remember how dad never missed an opportunity to tease me, be it the way I stand,walk, smile, talk or even cook. These three people can never be replaced because I remember how dad used to tell us that we are friends first, feel free to share anything related to your life ,we will always be there for each other.

And rightly ,he was always there for me as a friend who guided me when I went wrong ,who'd handle situations so fragile in a sorted way.

A tear trickled down my cheek as I came back to reality. Immediately I remembered dad's promise.

Humaira I want you to promise me that the day you get married ,you will not cry. You will smile and leave if you love me. Although Your leaving this house you are entering a new house,a new family ,a new phase ,a new beginning and I don't want you to begin it with tears. Perhaps I'd be more than glad seeing you happy and cheerful. will you promise me this?

I could not hold back my tears which reached the brim of my lower eye lids, as I blinked it back for my dad. I swallowed hard and brought a smile on my face as I greeted them with salam.

When I entered our new house ,for the first time ,everything seemed so foreign to me. There were many guest gathered there. I was taken to our room.

I freshened up and changed into a chocolate brown floor length flowing night gown.

zayed entered the room to check if I was ready so that he could change.

"barakallahu feeki",was the first thing he said when he looked at me.

"stop staring at me",I said as I blushed avoiding eye contact.

"stop looking so beautiful ",he replied with an amused smile.

"pff!yeah right!Beautiful and me"

"No left !"

"huh?",I asked confused at his reply.

"you said yeah right,so I said no left"

"Oh my Allah!That is so lame zee ,I swear",I said trying not to laugh.

"then go catch a bee
which is buzzing around a tree
when your free",he joked trying to rhyme and we both ended up laughing while I nodded my head .

"You should have got a wife who'd never understand your lame jokes and poor attempts to rhyme "

"oh really?That's why Allah chose you for me,so that I can keeping joking all my life and you can keep laughing at my lame jokes."

"okay fine!Now go get ready"

I pulled out the blazer for him and much to my surprise he unbuttoned the shirt in front of me.

Like what the heck!

"heyy !I'm right here ,go use the washroom"

At first he gave me a "you are impossible look "and then
he only responded with an uncontrollable laugh almost rolling on the bed.

"what is so funny?"

"Nothing . It'll take time .Your just not used to the fact that I'm officially your husband from 6 months and we just started living together from a few hours ago."

As he stepped towards me ,
"stop right there ,go change into some comfortable clothes ,perform ablutions and come to pray."

When he was praying,I was busy combing my hair .Once he finished, he came closer felt my hair and admired it.

"Your hair is so beautiful"

"one and only thing I love about me",I replied with a smug smile as he lifted one long strand of my hair amused at its length.

"It's so long and it's justified if you take an hour to have bath. Please promise me you'll never cut your hair ."

"I promise ", I said as I smiled at him through the mirror.

He pulled all my hair and brought it over my right shoulder and rested his chin on it. He wrapped his hands around my waist from the back and smiled back.

"I feel complete ",he said and was it the moment or his cuteness that I immediately gave a peck on his cheeks and before I could be completely out of his grip he pulled me by my wrist and sealed my protest  with the sweetest kiss which seemed like it lasted forever.

Assalamualikum readers,

This was a random and sudden update. Thanks to my nocturnal nature . I typed this update in 2 hours. I hope you'll like it .It's short cute sweet and cheesy.
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