The proposal

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A/N:Assalamualikum all the lovely readers. I am very sorry for the delay in updating this chapter. I was a little busy with exams. I have dedicated this chapter to my bestie. 'ofdREEMsandwishes' .I hope you'll like it. please vote ,comment and share..:)

And among His signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put Love and mercy between your (hearts), verily in that are signs for those who reflect.”

[ar-Room 30:21]
I dozed off reciting the dua before sleeping . Hoping reems proposal would be a success...In sha Allah

The following day I practised 'n' no. of ways to not tell reem about this proposal, none of which worked and I ended up blurting out the entire conversation I had with mom last evening.

"wait- what!?Hu-mai-raa!!!are you trying to say I have chances of being your sis-in-law officially!!???do you mean that the so called 'fake treaty' of getting married to your husbands cousin is coming true?am I hearing it right???"

"Hehe! !correction reemie!not husbands cousin ..MY COUSIN !!!MY BROTHER!!!!CAN YOU HEAR ME REEM?!wait wait. I won't get excited about this..sshhhhh!!!calm down mairaaa!!!shhhhhhhhh! !"

"yes yes humaira !keep calm "

"oh !mum is going to talk to you mom today...I just wanted to ask if you are okay with this. I mean do you have any secret affair ?girls these days you see..:p"

"you never know maira!I may have an affair which you are unaware about!!I have a secret life !!"she hushed with exaggeration.

"pphff! !!oh yeah!!how can I forget Harry Potter series ...!!the everlasting love of your life!!"

As we were having this conversation a watsapp message beeped on my phone.

"assalamualikum humaira!
so ??"-marz bhai

hahaha!!look at this! !marz bhai just texted me..I bet it's regarding you reem.

"walikum Salam bhai!so?"-humaira

"tell me"-marz bhai

"tell what?*chuckles*"-humaira

this session was awesome. I was having fun teasing my brother.

"mairaaa! you know what I am talking about!"-marz bhai

"yeah?I  know?:p"-humaira

"YES YOU DO!!!"-marz bhai

"uh-uh! !not so easy bhai !you better ask more precisely "-humaira

"uh! fine!it's about your friend reem!"-marz bhai

"ooo-kayy!!better !!so what about reem:p?"-humaira

"mairaaa! !please stop playing around and tell me about her"-marz bhai

"reem is my friend who is blessed with very pretty features and is as tall as me ,really smart and outgoing too.  A little shy when it comes to new faces!actually ,very shy!!"-humaira

"doesn't matter!!tell me how is she as a person "marz bhai

"woah!!I am proud of you bhai that you didn't judge her by looks ,though she is very pretty. okay coming to the point, she is very sarcastic as a person :p
she is one big Harry Potter fan!!what else can I say?the degree of sweetness will just keep increasing as she is my bestie!!"-humaira

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