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aaahhhh!!!!!!he is just as crazy as I am !!!not more not less...Allah is indeed the best planner...feeling blessed...alhamdulilla.

After offering my fajr prayers ,I continued staring at the formula sheet so that I could scribble some crap in my blue book,but I couldn't resist the urge to cuddle up inside my blanket.
"humairaaaa! !!!wake uppp! !!!It's 8 o clock already. ..!!you missed the bus sweetie!",shouted mom from the kitchen.

"8 of clock? why didn't you call me ???how am I going to college? ",I asked as I rushed to the washroom to have a shower.On a normal day 20 mins is the minimum time for me to have shower,but today I managed to not have the bathroom concert allowing my neighbours to have a sound sleep and to save my time too. As I got ready in 10 mins I looked at the watch to realise my mum had just exaggerated the time a bit too much so that I get ready on time.
"mamma!!you realize your exaggeration would lead to an accident by me slipping in the washroom or so?"

"you realize my exaggeration saved your day ??if I wouldn't say that you would miss your internals!!",told mom imitating my expressions and tone.

"yeah right!!like writing it would make much of a difference! !anyways I didn't study anything",I mumbled as she was serving me breakfast.

"yeah yeah!why would our humaira darling study?she writes internals as if she is doing the lecturers a favour.",said jaafar as he joined me for breakfast.

"I am following the footsteps of 'the great jafar'.it's my honour to follow you, your highness",I replied to his sarcasm with a hand gesture.

"when will the both of you grow up?you'll are already late"

As me and bhai went to the stop I boarded the ladies bus while the boys bus comes 5 minutes after our bus' arrival.

"Did you like study anything?I have no idea what am going to write today . I could have bunked this internals because I won't score more than zero.", I told reem while she had a neutral expression.

"I just started looking at the formulas now. I didn't study either,and it's just the first internals ,we have two more in the next few months. relax okay?here,I have written the formulas and methods of 2 units together.",she handed a sheet of paper which contained all formulas with step by step instructions highlighting the key words . Though reem doesn't prepare for the exams,creating these kind of notes has always been her hobby. As I glanced through the sheet reem had gone into a deep slumber leaving me suspicious if she had studied all night. (All thanks to my over thinking brain.)

In a minute or two even I dozed off and then woke up to realize we reached college. As we entered class I could see asmuu studying and repeating the formulas at one breath leaving me tensed.
"asmuu I think I'll bunk this internal and write it next month.I haven't even looked at the formulas. I am so dead."

"ohhhh!how can you study. you would be really busy thinking about someone"

"asmuu. ...shhhhhhhhh! !!you are just using your brain much more than its potential.",as I said that she scrunched her nose and stuck her tongue out teasing me. Just then the bell rang indicating us to proceed to our exam hall. I could just solve one problem and exited the hall in 20 mins while I saw asma who was busy answering all 3 questions while it was clearly said 'answer any 2 full questions'. At that point I had the urge to tear that extra question which she attempted and paste it in my blue book . unfortunately all my evil plans couldn't be fulfilled and I was waiting for reem to come as she is the one who usually exits the hall first.
"holaaaaaa!!!!!how was the exam?awesome right?",asked reem sarcastically.

"awesome blossom!expecting 30 on 25", I replied to her sarcasm. Asma followed reemie and then the bell rang,but zabya was nowhere to be seen.After another ten minutes zabya walked towards us.

"How was the exam zabya?",we all asked in unison.zabya being the math topper consecutively she will score full twenty five would be an understatement, but hearing zabya's problems and watching her puppy face was more than an entertainment which we three would never get bored of.

"ummmm-uhh!May be it was oo-okay..I don't really know if my answers are correct. I didn't put underline for one solution. will they give me marks for that? ",to which me asma and reem bursted out laughing.

"for heaven sake grow up zab!underline ?seriously? we are engineering students!and don't you worry we will have a lot of red underlines marked by the lecturer .we can lend you some if you want to.",to which reem and asma giggled.

"ha ha!very funny!wait and watch!I won't get more than twenty four on twenty five",told zabya wearing a puppy face.

"haawww!!!you will lose one full mark zab!Damn!!this is more pathetic than the gas chamber tragedy right?",I asked trying hard not to laugh to which she just preferred ignoring me and analysing the question paper.

"okay now!enough of teasing my zabya sweetheart! we'll start studying for the afternoon exam. Atleast study for that humairaa",told asma with a mock serious expression.
As we sat in a circle facing each other, we all took out a rough sheet to work out few graphs. Just then our zabya's phone beeped with a hike notification.

"ahem ahem! !someone is surely not going to score more than twenty three in this exam.",told reem.

"Wow! !this is breaking news!!The college is going to turn upside down listening to this.",replied asma with full exaggeration. The reason for this exaggeration is because the notification was from zabya's fiancé. she got engaged few months back leaving every guy heartbroken. Zabya was getting a lot of proposals as she was this perfect doll every mother in law or husband would wish for. Moreover she had this soft nature which won a million hearts. She never really considered herself pretty. In short she was best known for her simple and humble nature.There were instances when parents who came to admit their son to college coming and asking zabya if she will get married to their son.

"look at you zab!your blushing!"

"shut up people!!he just texted to ask about my exams okay? "

me reem and asma poked each other while she was replying which is our usual way to tease. Before I could tease her any further 'beep beep' beeped my phone and all three of them shot surprised glances at me. I am the one at gun point now.
"humairaaaaa? " was all they said pounced on me and snatched my phone. Asma read out the message loudly,
"assalamualikum humaira!how was your exam?I hope I didn't disturb you much and you were able to study.", as she finished reading I covered my face with my hands .

"when?how ?what?explain explain explain .throw light to every single detail.",demanded all three and I explained what happened this morning and the next minute I got to hear was I shouldn't be delaying in meeting him and getting this fixed.
"papa told we'll be meeting them soon after my internals. By the he'll be done with his event too. so yeah, that's the full picture"

The discussion went a little longer and the afternoon internal was kind of better as we studied 1 hour before the test which is a lot of time.

As me and reem were commuting , I was replying to few of his texts and reem nudged me once I finish texting and was laying my head back trying to sleep.

"If this is the smile he gets on your face then I don't think anyone deserves you better. Look at your expression. The contentment and every little detail your face is expressing. Masha Allah ,may Allah take the best decision in this .But I am so happy for you humaira . stay blessed.
And I just smiled at whatever she said and thanked the almighty ,prayed everything goes well.

assalamualikum readers,
I am really sorry for the delay in update.I hope you'll liked this, comment and share:)

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