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Authors pov:

4 years later :


"yeahhh zayn !what happened?",humaira asked her 3 year old son who was all set for the first day of his pre school.

"khaira is not sharing her chocolate with me",he replied with a pout complaining about his twin sister.

"Oh my Allah!!! khaira ? who gave you that chocolate early in the morning?"

she gave her a toothy grin and it was suffice to say that zayed had a role to play here.

She barged into the room where zayed was getting ready.

"Did you give khaira chocolates early in the morning ?", she asked with anger  .

"Good morning to you too my love and I must say you look damn sexy with that hairdo ", he said as he got close to her wrapping his arms around her neck.

"Excuse me Mr. CEO , you know how hard it is to manage notorious twins?a hopeless romantic husband and become Mrs. CEO all at the same time?",yes zayed and humaira had started their own IT company and were very successful .

"That's why I call you my wonder woman you know", he said as he hugged her and she quickly wriggled out of his grip.

"Zayed I am not kidding today is their first day at pre school and you can't let them fight already . "

"Okay baba . Chill !! Ms . chiller queen turned Miss drama queen?"

"That's what twins do to you ",she replied .

"zaynnn ,khairaaa, come he",he almost choked looking at scene in from of him.

Zayn was pulling khairas hair which humaira had neatly tied into a high pony tail and khaira was pulling zaynnn by his collar for her defense .

"You guys are rather violent !!zayn khaira", he called their names and shot them a glare which was more than enough for them to peace out.

Zayed was a fun loving dad ,needless to say but he had maintained an image that his one glare was enough for them to settle down.

Once they dropped the kids to pre school they went to their office which they both had built out of their own capability.

Zayed was also cure from his disease now and so did humaira complete her U.G in B.E computer science.

"Mamma has called us for dinner tonight as bhaiyya has come down right"

"oh great!you wrap up by noon then as mamma would need your help for tonight ."

"yeah I'll pick the kids from school and directly go there."


"oh hello Mrs. Ahamed "

"hi miss. Sandra , I hope the kids didn't bother you too much",she asked  hoping to get a long list of complains.

"No not at all ,you have adorable kids I must say ,so we'll mannered and cheerful",she replied and humaira was nothing but smashed at that reply which she was least expecting.

"They were?",she asked trying sense some sarcasm there.

"yeah !They are truly amazing ", she said as she patted their backs as the little twins looked at her with an innocent face.

"Oh well that's great ! say bye to miss Sandra ",she instructed the kids and they followed the rhythm.

It was only until they hopped into the car that they started playing the radio increasing the volume ,jumping on the seat and almost removing the head rest when she pulled them down.

"what is it you guys?have you'll taken a pledge to irritate only your mother,? you be so nice to strangers ,you listen to  your dad ,in fact your the nicest kids to the whole wide world but me. What have I done to you'll?really?just speak out",she said almost tired and giving up on them while they looked at her equally baffled not understanding a thing.

"chuck it. Juts be nice while I'm driving ok?I promise I'll give you'll a chocolate.", she said as he drive them to their naana's place.

"Jafff maaamuuuu!!", screamed zayn while khaira ran towards her favourite Zahra maami .

Jaafar got married a year ago and to day he was bowled over would be an understatement. He worked as a sports manager for the Arsenal team
He travelled to India once twice a year and his parents would stay with him 3 months a year.

Humaira's mom and dad were still the the same- warm ,loving and caring.

In the evening they all gathered for dinner at humaira's mom's place .

While they were having dinner humaira just rushed to the washroom as zayed followed her .

she puked and felt dizzy as she came out and took a seat.

The entire family looked at her with smiling faces and she was flustered to get those shots from everyone.

"Third baby?", screamed Zahra who loves babies as she ran and congratulated her sister in law.

The kids were confused as khaira pointed out.
"mamma ?you have a baby there?", she asked pointing at her tummy as she pouted.

"yeah why?you don't want a younger sibling?"

"Nooo",came her immediate reply as she crossed her hands and pouted.

"I want a baby brother", said zayn with a smile as he touched his mom's stomach .

The whole family laughed looking at their reaction while zayed placed his hands on her shoulder and gave her a light squeez as she returned it with a smile.

Reem's daughter ,simra was already 4 years old who went to the same pre school as zayn and khaira.

Zabya was just a few days away to her due. She shifted to bangalore after completing her engineering and worked in an IT company.

And for our super cool asma?she got married and carried and gave birth to a beautiful daughter named aayirah.
oh did I mention that the preschool these kids go to was owned by asma?yes , she loved kids and her idea of running a preschool was very much supported by her husband .

Arshiya got married a month after jaafar did and was now settled in San Francisco with her husband.

Samaira completed her B.Arch and was now handling individual projects alongside her husband who was also an architect as they lived in Bangalore.


"hello assalamualikum maami ,yeah ?oh wow when?masha Allah that's great mabrook",said humaira mak8ng the whole family curious.

"Another good news . Zabya gave birth to a baby boy",she replied and all of them congratulated her .

assalamualikum readers,
Well then that's the end of this story and I'm so glad I could complete it.
All thanks to you guys who were very supportive and few of the readers who are now pretty much family-nikah,neha,nahla and amra and sorry if I haven't mentioned any1 but all of you guys had a very important role in building the writer in me.

I hope you have enjoyed thestory ad much as I enjoyed writing it.

PLEASE continue to show the same affection for my next book -The halal way which if be updating in a while.
And let me know if you want me to post the pictures of the cast in this story.

Please don't forget to vote comment and share:)

Qadr-They were destined to be one!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat