Allah is the best planner!

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But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners. (8:30)
"I have given important questions  for the upcoming internals at the xerox centre . collect it",said our lecturer.

"oh my Allah !!internals.!!!I didn't start studying,not even a page . what am I going to do?what if I don't score average?I didn't understand one concept.," ranted zabya almost on the verge of crying. All the while she listed her concern we did nothing but giggled as she manages to top the class at the end of the day.

"hey zab!chill we can do combine studies now ,okay?",told asma leaving zabya a little relieved.

"why don't we start with mathematics as it is the first exam?we can complete math now,go home and start with graph theory!we can complete right ?",asked zabya in a panicking tone.

"oh my sweet zabya..we can complete even if we start tomorrow morning.The previous semester I started studying in the need to score 15 on 25 which is not a big deal you know?keep calm and enjoy life sweetheart .why handle so much pressure?", I told with a smirk.

"let's get started now"

"hey asmuu,I didn't understand this problem .can you explain this for me?",asked zabya.
while asma was explaining the problem she got a little confused and zabya ended up teaching asma the right method .kudos to our delicate darling who panick for no reason. After the so called "combine studies" which ended up in a laughter session as me and asma kept joking around while reem laughed and zabya played the role of an alarm clock reminding us about the internals every 2 mins.

"humaira ,zayed is organising a corporate wedding exhibition . His first event,and we will be attending that event tomorrow evening In sha Allah .why don't you see him there itself?",asked mama .

"hahaha hahahaha haha! !your not serious mamma,Are you?If you are, then don't be.There is no way I am going to attend that exhibition tomorrow. I have got my internals. Please keep the meeting after my internals or today,not during my internals."

"when on earth did you start worrying about exams?do you even know which exam it is tomorrow? and moreover this is in the evening and it's a saturday .You have time to study for your internals on Sunday. He doesn't have time today and marzabaan has gone to meet him today."

(marzabban bhai is my kunhima's son.)

"why did marzabaan bhai go to meet zayed? for what joy?can someone please throw light on this?"

"your dad is leaving tomorrow and he wanted to know zayed as a person. The way he handles his clients etcetra. so marzabban has gone to meet him as a client who wants to purchase a stall in zayed's exhibition . After offering Isha prayers we'll be going to kunhimas place to ask marzabaan about zayed. you want to join us? "


"uh-huh!and what about your internals you were worrying about?you don't have to study now?"

"um-ummmm..I can manage you know?I am so smart!!"

"okay smarty pants. Get ready and let's leave "said papa who just came from the masjid offering Isha prayers.

when I was travelling to kunhimas, my mind was juggling with various thoughts about the conversation with marz bhai and his way of approach and so on.

On reaching kunhimas place we all gathered in the drawing room. Once marz bhai started talking I was more nervous than I was when I was waiting for my board exam results .

"I met zayed. He is a smart guy,outgoing and good looking too. and I wanted to tell humaira that he speaks good english .",and with that note everyone looked at me and laughed as they know my obsession with people who talk good English and when it comes to my future husband there is no compromise whatsoever.

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