this is how it all started!

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Marriage is a lifelong commitment that requires compatibility, attraction and personality flow.
hadith (narration of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, peace be upon him) narrated by Abu Huraira in Bukhari: “A woman is married for four things: her wealth, her family status, her beauty and her religion. So you should marry the religious woman (otherwise) you will be unsuccessful.” (Book #62, Hadith #27)

Zee's POV:

It's been a pleasant day so far except for the weather. Though I'm sitting in a fully air conditioned office I can feel the scorching rays of the sun beam through the window as I sat in my office busy going click click click on my laptop while my employees have been doing a fairly good job handling the marketing sector for our next event.

"yes sir!will forward the further details of the stall via email.
thank you for your co-operation.", said Saud over the phone in a monotonous way as he was dealing with one of the clients.

"Is he willing to buy a stall in our event ?", I asked checking the progress of the upcoming event.

"well he seems to be totally up for this . Let's see if he signs in. "

"well that's great .alhamdulilla "

Saud was much more than an employee to me, he was my best friend since good old engineering days but he had to drop out due to bad grades and couldn't complete his B.E degree . Nevertheless , he has excellent communication skills , so I asked him to join the marketing sector in this startup.

"I think we can wrap up and go out for lunch?",I asked him while he gave in.

We ordered two plates of meals with some seafood delicacies as the hotel is best known for it.

After having lunch we headed to the city mall, as I had to buy few things to surprise my fiancé.

"Why are we going to the mall?"

"I want to do something special for humaira for which I need to do a bit of shopping. I hope you don't mind!?"

"Ahhhh!I should have guessed.!!! Bhabhi (address brother's wife out of respect ) is one lucky woman , I swear. How do you come up with such innovative ways to win her heart? If these are the bars of standards you are going to set then I need a little more time to think about getting married. "

"perspectives differ and it's not necessary that every other person should do sweet and cute surprises . This is my way of expressing how much she means to me, and I'd never get tired of doing it , because I love it this way. You would know when you find your someone special . Have patience till then." he raised both his hands up in surrender and chuckled .

"You know you just got lucky?I mean who would be so adamant about marrying someone just by looking at some random picture. Atleast you should have approached her . your crazy man , I still can't imagine a situation where bhabhi would have been of opposite character than what you assumed from the picture!"

"I know right !?you actually think I just saw the picture?"

"isn't that so?wait , don't tell me there is more to it !!!have you met her before??"

"woahh!!stop right there I didn't mean that"

"throw light to every minute detail .I want to know!!",he demanded with his arms crossed across his chest.

"one strawberry pom smoothie with whipped cream and one cool blue", I gave the order and took a corner seat where the both of us sat. Saud wouldn't let me go without explaining what exactly happened.
I let out a deep sigh and started narrating the epic story of my life.

"you remember me , you and zakariya had lunch from sizzlers?"

"uh-huh!! may be ..what's the connection? "

" Exactly!you remember you were checking out one girl in that big group of ten girls in the opposite table?"

"yeah! And then you started schooling me about how we need to lower our gaze and stuff . Now I can remember in bits and pieces. That was long time ago though. Was she one among the ten ?"


"wait-whatttt???then why on earth did you school me?"

"Astaghfirullaah!!I didn't check her out Saud like how you did. I just.."

"you just saw her?and kept staring at her?Annnd your trying to prove that's right?"

"will you listen to me?"

" fine !!go on!"

"when I followed the direction you were looking ,midway ,my gaze landed on a girl who was throwing her head back and laughing like she didn't care for the world. she was in her small bubble filled with friends. She had herself clad in a plain black simple abaya with the hijab neatly pinned and right in place . My heart beat sped up and dint know what was controlling me. There was this strong feeling from within which said she is the one !  when I started gaining senses I realized it's wrong!I didn't have any rights to look at her! What if she already belonged to someone else?what if she was engaged?these thoughts drove me crazy and removed all my frustration on you "

"I love being your punching bag bro!!What next"?

"I got to know her name as one of her friend called her to pass food. As soon as I headed back home I gave my everything  and searched her on all possible social networking sites. There was no trace of her.

Then one fine day when nasser bhaiyya asked me to see his clients wedding album I found her. she had this radiant smile which caused slight cleft which made me fall for her really hard.Again there was this spark which got  ignited on seeing her picture. There was some force driving me towards her. People would simply assume I fell for her looks but that's not true, there was much more than that. There was a feeling from within which made me adamant about this."

"Woahhhhh!!This indeed is one epic story!!Damn I know the climax but still interesting to know though!How did it go about after that?"

" I approached bhaiyyas client and asked if she was engaged. Fortunately she was still single but as you said that can't be the base for me to be adamant on getting married to her right?"


"when I narrated the story to bhabhi, and showed her humairas picture , to my surprise she happens to be bhabhi's relative. Bhabhi's sister's husband and humairas mom are first cousins. From bhabhi's sister I got to know about humairas character and practising nature. she simply wanted a guy who is practising . I couldn't leave this opportunity to take this further . But her parents decline my proposal which was taken through bhaiyya saying that she would complete her studies first. Believe me on this Saud, I was completely devastated.  My hopes shattered completely.I suddenly had the urge to wait for her all my life if needed. I didn't come to office for a few days as I was feeling sick from within not because I was rejected but because the she was type of girl I always wanted and it felt like she slipped through my fingers and I couldn't hold a grip of her. I constantly prayed isthikaara , the more I prayed the more I felt positive about this proposal. There was no stopping then. I knew Allah would take the best decision and if she wasn't in my Qadr no one could make her mine. Alhamdulilla Allah chose her for me,to change me,to complete my Deen, to make me a better Muslimah  and it got confirmed when bhaiyya got a call that they agree to meet me."

"Alhamdulilla !!I am so glad you found the right one .May Allah bless this divine relationship in the best of goodness and prosperity and that your understanding towards each other grows deeper with each passing second."

"Ameen .", I said asking Allah to invoke his prayers.
-----------------------------------------------------------Assalamualikum readers,
I know this chapter is totally unexpected, but I hope you'll are pleasantly surprised. please please please don't forget to vote comment and share.

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