The end

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zee's pov :

As humaira turned to face me from the divider a bike which was high speed lost it's balance may be the edge of the tyre just scraped the divider it went over the divider and hit humaira with full momentum .

I ran towards her ,and grabbed her in my arms as there was blood flowing from her head .It was very great full of some people who helped me carry her to the car.

The hospital was just 100 mtss from the accident spot thankfully as I rushed her to the emergency ward.

When the nurses took in charge of her ,I called nasser bhai first ,and then my mom and her parents.Within seconds they were all in the hospital .

Humaira's mom ,unlike her was very weak emotionally . She was sobbing like a baby as she asked me where she was. As I pointed towards the OTHER ,she couldn't believe it was true.

I made her sit by the chair and walked towards the reception to fill the remaining formalities .

As I got done , the doctor came out and I jogged towards him .

"She is in a critical state and we immediately need blood."

"immediately all the family members rushed to him saying they can donate "

In our family ,me humaira ,bhabhi's ,mom and brothers shared the same blood group -O positive.I couldn't donate as the doctors restricted me ,so her dad and my bhabhi went onto donate blood .I can't express how grateful I was to them .

I sat on the chair and tried to digest whatever happened. I wish I could go instead of her. Why did I let her go !!!!!I just gave up pulling running a hand through my hair as I heard her say "Allah has already planned our destiny zayed ",and it actually caught me offguard for a second but realised I was just imagining.

Humaira had her own philosophies but her immense faith in Our Creator made me respect her all the more. I knew that was the root for her strength . She did not break what so Eva in any situations she would wear a smile and face it . That reminded me I didn't offer my Isha salah and went to the masjid .

As I came back the doctor was speaking to her dad whose eyes was blood red. Humaira was her dad's princess ,and he was kinda mad at me I guess for being so negligent .

"what did the doctors say pappa?"

"They said that the operation was successful and we'll have to keep her under observation for 48 hours and if she doesn't gain her conscience ..."


"Then she'd go to coma"

I fell on my knees right there as I heard those words . It pricked my ears echoed all over my brain surrounding it ,but it couldn't comprehend . Her dad held my shoulders and me sit on the chair.

I felt everything around me was crumbling down and I couldn't catch hold of anything. All I could do was fold my hands and bow in front of her dad apologising him for my carelessness.

He was more than generous to be strong and give me a tight hug and console me. Even in this state he managed to smile .

"Be strong zayed . Allah has planned this and He is the Only one who is capable of curing her .Don't you lose hope. Collect your self and unleash your problems to the Almighty. Stay strong ",he consoled and for a moment I felt humaira personified as her dad and consoling me. She sure had got most of her traits from her dad ,even the choice of words.

I requested the nurse if I could meet her and she allowed me but for 5 minutes only.

I entered the ICU as the nurse asked me to wear some green apron like dress to prevent infection and asked me to remove my shoes outside .

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