Bengaluruuuuu! !

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Offering the farz prayers, either in normal circumstances and/or during a journey, is a 'Farz'; the act of shortening the farz prayers during the journey is a 'Sunnah'. And that's why we should offer shortened prayers during a journey.This salah is called 'qasr jammu'
These are one of those times ,you don't get tired of working because of the excitement.

The main part was inviting the guests, we couldn't afford to miss out any important people as this is the nikah.

"assalamualikum Zee"-me

"walikum salam wa rahmatullah hi wa barakutuhu princess"-zee

"I'll be leaving to bangalore tomorrow soon after fajr prayers"-me

"Oh great! just your family?"-zee

" yes!The four of us"-me



"hmmmmm "-zee


"what what?"-zee

"why are you hhmmming ?"-me

"Nothing I'm fine"

"I never asked if your fine but now that you said , I am pretty sure your not fine. spit it out"

"I said I'm fine humaira"-zee

"Did you just call me humaira? damn! There is definitely something wrong! are you okay?"-me

"I thought you were different from other girls which you are to some extent, but certain things can never be changed ,it's congenital"-zee

"huh!?what are you talking about?"-me

"when I call you cute names you have a problem because we aren't married yet, and when I call you by your name you still have problem!sucha girl I swear!"-zee

"your being ruuuudeeeeee"-me

"fine! I'm being rude!!!"-zee

He is definitely hiding something from me. I had to stay calm and find rather than fighting or arguing further.



"what happened?please tell me?"-me

"Nothing! It's just that I'll miss you when your gone"-zee

" oh my Allah! two days! And how would that make a difference to you?"-me

He surprised me with that answer. We never meet ,then how would me going to bangalore make a difference. Sometimes he acts as adorable and innocent as amaan.

"TWO DAYS HUMAIRA! !!!when your in mangalore every time I pass by your apartment I can see the light in your room from the balcony which gives me a deep sense of satisfaction that your near me. I feel content and happy ,I get peace of mind . when you to bangalore I will lose that peace."

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