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*not edited


Quietly I jumped down from the branch, landing in a crouch on the leafy dirt. My bow fixed securely around my shoulder, my quiver of arrows sitting snugly on my back.

I exhaled softly. It wasn't the first time I was out here, looking for them. I wasn't a beginner at these kinds of things. My group, we are known are the Midnight Raiders. We work at night sleep in the day, it was our routine.

I glanced to my right, making sure I couldn't see any of the Raiders. I pulled on the hood of the cloak and creeped forward.

We're not called the Midnight Raiders because we raided homes and things, we were called this purely because we only worked at night.

The slight glow ahead indicated that they might be here.

A low pitched whistle was heard and I looked behind me to see my friends crouched down low.

I did a few hand movements.

This ones mine.

They reply with a couple of clicks and retreat into the shadows, silently.

I close my eyes and finger the dirt below my fingers. Moist. Projecting my awareness out I scan for any heat signatures. Coming up clean I removed the hood and load my bow. Just because I couldn't detect a heat signature, doesn't mean there aren't any vampires watching over them.

I creep forward, silently. My senses on high alert. The ground begins to slope down and I notice it going into a ditch. I laugh lightly.

Got ya

I stand and put my arrow away. Walking up to the middle I notice there is only one. Hesitantly I reach forward and touch the large object, hissing when I feel the shell seer my hand.

It's not mine.

I whistle and my group creep out from the shadows, in turn they each touch the egg. Grumbling when it burns them.

Harmony, the newest of the recruits smiles when the egg doesn't burn her.

It's hers.

"Way to go, girl!" I whisper. She turns to me her dark eyes gleaming.

We are, dragon riders. The only ones left.

The high council had them all executed when it became known to the world that they were planning a rebellion.

It was written in our ancestors books that the dragon riders would be killed, and if any were to survive, to meet on Deaths Edge, a cliff.

I went, and met seven other people. Harmony came along two weeks ago. She is only a young one, she knew not of her background, only when the dragon rider symbol appeared on her wrist.

Harmony picks up the egg.

Our destinies are written, that to acquire our dragon, we were to travel far and wide in search for the eggs.

Harmony, Lizabeth and Jolie. Three of the four girls had now found their dragons. Jolie's dragon hatched a while ago. It was a female Fire dragon named Neeme (Nee-May).

There are five types of dragons. As written in the books...

Fire, red as a flame. This dragon can breathe the hottest of fire. It can manipulate flame and burn with a blink of its eye. A common dragon.

Ice, white-blue in complexion. This dragon has a breath of ice. It can manipulate and create water. This dragon, common.

Earth, green as the grass. This dragon has a breath of poison. It can grow, create and manipulate anything to do with nature. It can talk to animals. This dragon, rare.

Air, blue as the sky. This dragon as a breath of wind, that can knock over building with a soft huff. It can manipulate the air and change the weather. This dragon, extremely rare.

Gold, as gold as an ingot. This dragon has a breath of lava, it will melt you within a second. It can manipulate metal. This dragon, extremely rare.

Another section no one knows about, there's a possibility of another dragon breed. But no one can find the torn pages.

I watch Harmony as she places the egg in her satchel carefully. I smile to myself. She'll be happier now she has that egg. I sigh.

"It's ok, Emma." Jolie whispers from next to me. I grimace and nod. This was my third year as a raider, and no luck.

Jolie calls Neeme and the adolescent dragon descends down from above, landing softly. Lizabeth calls for her ice dragon Freya (Fray-ah) and the boys, Derrick and Duce who are twins, call their earth dragons, Kiln and Flaré (Kil-n and Flair-ray). Miles, the only other person to not have their dragon climbs on behind Duce. I climb on Freya and Harmony climbs on Neeme.

"You know, there's only two dragon riders left to find their dragons!" Lizabeth calls from in front of me.

"Yeah, I wonder what that means?" Duce yells over from Flaré. I think for a second. If it's only Miles and I that need to find our dragons, what happens next?

A loud howl pierces through the air.

"Werewolves." I whisper, glancing at the wide full moon. All my friends tell their dragons to go into silent mode. Freya hisses from below me, her glowing scales dimming until they're black. She changes her wing movements so she is just catching air currents, not flapping her wings. I look below, through the canopy of leaves.

Three wolves are running in time with the dragons. I curse under my breath. They saw us.

"Liza! Change course." I yell at her. She nods and commands Freya to switch courses. Away from our camp. The wolves growl as she passes over the boarder. I breathe a sigh of relief.

"That was too close!" Jolie says, flying in sync with Freya. Duce and Derrick also come in sync.

She's right.

Too close.



Let me introduce myself.

My name is Tayla (Tay-lah) and I'm an amateur writer.

I like to the think of my works as my own, considering I wrote them.

This book isn't to be copied in any way whatsoever under any circumstances.

Constructive criticism please!

Tayla x


Copyright Tayla. A. Hughes 2016

All Rights Reserved.

All the material in this book (My Dragon) and everything else on this account, unless otherwise stated, is property of this owner, creator and author of this work: Tayla Hughes (tayla-anne).

Copyright and other intellectual laws protect these materials. Reproduction or retransmission, in whole or in part, or in any matter, without the prior or written consent of the copyright holder is a violation of the copyright, patents and design act of 1988 law and is punishable by law.

And just to put it 'nicely' if I find that any of you little suckers have copied my work I WILL find you and I WILL hurt you.

With all formalities behind


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