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*not edited


We all charge out of the holding cells, barging through the doors and meeting with my friends. from there we all catch our breaths. We seperate the strong from the weak and those who are strong enough to fight go with my friends to finish off all of the guards. Whilst the weak stay with me and Cindy. I look to Cindy and the horror on her face, as it drains of colour when she looks at the sixty or so people that lay groaning in front of us.  She glances behind my right shoulder, her eyes going wide.

"Emma! Duck!" She shouts reaching out her hands, terror on her face. 

"Duck? OH Duck!" I start then understand as I hear the shout of attack, I duck and do a backwards roll, popping up and hitting the attacker in the pressure point between the neck and shoulder, the body falling forward with a low groan. The man, fully dressed in black and heavily armed with guns and knives. 

I spin around as I hear the approach of more footsteps. I snap my head to Cindy and shout at her  to get everyone out. Reaching behind me I grab my sword and spin it in my hands landing with it stretched out in front of me and one leg back in a strong  fighting stance. Two men run at me from either side and I glance, not moving my face or body from the direction of  the women. She had a sinister look in her eye, her lips pulled into a smirk. 

"Emma, how lovely to see you again," She hissed. I glanced to my left and right at the two men she had ordered to attack slowly getting closer to me. 

"I can't say I feel the same," I say before spinning in a low circle my arm out and the sword cutting both of the men just above the ankle, they fall like dominos. I slowly rise to my feet again and bare my sword at the woman. She has her eyebrows raised in shock. 

"You just took out my two best fighters... how did you do that?" She whispers, a slight amount of terror pooling into her eyes, which - unusually - are rather human looking. 

"Well their strategies were all wrong for starters, they came at me at the exact same time and slowly, giving me ample time to judge what their next move would be and time for me to work out how to get myself out of the situation. Their ankles are the only part of their body which is not armoured, because I mean, after all, who would know about the tendon at the front that once cut stops you from walking and paralyses you, right?" I smile at her, her lips part slightly as she takes a breath. She gathers her dress in her hands and begins to run. I just shake my head and laugh- this is going to be fun.    

I take two steps and propel myself forward and within seconds I am a metre from her and we are both running. She spins around and bares her fangs at me, a violent hiss escaping her lips. I just laugh again and throw my left hand up creating a solid rock slab in front of her. She slams into and slides down with a groan, she turns to look at me, fear taking over her face. 

I sneer at her. 

"It's over for you Valarie... you're done, give up." I says, an arrow drawn and trained on her forehead. She smirks, her eyes developing a knowing sheen. 

I look at her, confused. She just smiles softley.

"Thankyou," She whispers. I frown, this doesnt seem right. "For standing still this long," 

She cackles, the sound bouncing around through my head as I feel a sharp pain in my chest, I glance down at the end of a sword protruding from my chest. Staggering I spin around and look to the person who impaled me with their sword. Blood begins to drip down, staining my white shirt red. The liquid spreads quickly through the cotton. I swallow, a metallic taste making me gag and then cough, blood splatters onto the floor at my feet. I slowly look up and see the person standing in front of me, hunched over and puffing. 

"Ryan?" I whisper, my voice hoarse yet soft...fading. 

The man looks up and makes eye contact with me and recognition lights up his eyes. 

"Emma! You're okay!" He smiles brightly, flashing his teeth. What?

"Ryan, how could you?" I coughed staggering back a little more.

"How could I what? Emma, what are you talking about?" He says, then he looks down at the tip of the sword. He shakes his head, tears welling up in his eyes. He raises his hand to his mouth but gags when he sees the blood that covers it, and my shirt.

"You did this to her Ryan, how does it feel to know that you've killed your little sister?" Valerie laughs from behind us. 

My eyes go slightly clowdy and feel myself fall, Ryan steps foward throwing out his left hand sending a puff of air my way and cushioning my fall. 

As everything begins to fail me I faintly hear a loud roar of pain off in the distance.



So... this probably isnt worth the wait.. like at all

And yes if youre thinking "Does she have an excuse this time?" and the answer is, yes. 

I have been preparing for exams. Like Ive said previously I am an ATAR student in year 11, and I do have a life. Woah, shocker. 

So if you cant be patient for an update then im sorry that ive disspointed you...

-Tay xx 

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