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not edited*


I wake on a cold cement floor. Slowly opening my eyes I see that I am in a cell. The cell has three solid brick walls and one glass wall. The ground is hard and has some sort of goo like residue on it. I swallow, the task a challenge as my throat is dry. Yet another unfamiliar place, why am I unable to get myself out of this mess? 

"Oh, good. You're awake," Someone clears their throat and stands walking up to the glass wall. I look up from my position on my knees, glaring at the person. She's tall, really tall, too tall to be human, and her eyes are completely black much like the other guy. She tilts her head to the side, assessing me. "Yes, you'll do nicely," 

I spit at the glass, and she hisses at me. Wait, hisses? I know now what they are a hybrid of The Black Eyed Beings and Vampires, they don't have an official name but everyone calls them 'The Things', even the strongest man quivers in fear at the mention of these beings, and being so close to one is even more terrifying. 

"What do you want from me?" I whisper, dejectedly. She laughs, and evil cackle making my ears ring. 

"What do I want from you? Darling, its not what I want. It's what I need," She says narcissistically  and flips her hair. "You see, considering you are the hybrid daughter of a Griffin Rider and a Fae King, your blood is very...valuable, to my kind." 

She walks two steps to the right before turning and stopping in front of me again. I glare at her through my lashes. 

"How do you mean?" I ground out though clenched teeth. 

She looks down at me. "You, my dear, have two very high bloodlines in your system, not to mention the fact that you are royalty. Your blood keeps me young. Your brother was my blood bag for a while, but I have grown immune to it, it seems I have drained his blood of all power. And you, are the last remaining hybrid. You're important. I need to find a way to harvest the power without draining it all, and finally figure out how to replenish it." 

I look at her with wide eyes. 

"You've been using my brothers blood just so that you can be young?! Are you kidding me?!" I shout, finally finding the energy to attempt to stand up for myself, which is kind of hard being positioned on my knees and my hards tied and looking as vulnerable as I do- well I assume. 

"Well when you say it like that it seems extremely selfish... but no, not just so I can be young. I am the leader of the rebellion," She cackles, causing me to roll my eyes. 

"Rebellion?" I ask. 

She shakes her head at me. 

"You needn't know any more, now I must go, you're father will be expecting me," She winks before walking off, her heels click-clacking away on the concrete floor. 

I need to get out of here. I flex my wrists, seeing if there is any give in the chord. None. 

I groan out loud. Suddenly, I hear fast paced footsteps and my brother sprints around the corner. 

"Emma! We have to go, quickly!" He whispers, frantically fumbling with a key in the lock. I glare at him but still take his outstretched hand. "I'm so sorry, for everything. Let's get out of here sis," 

And then we are running.


Hey Guys sorry about the short wait. I forgot to say last chapter... HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 

I hope everyone has an amazing 2017!!!!!

Love you all!

-Tay xx

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