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*not edited


Dragon riders killed their mom...

I look at him, my lips parted slightly.

I grimace.

"I'm not like the other dragon riders." I say.

"I can see that. We found the egg last year. We thought if we kept it, it could avenge our mother. But I see now, the new generation isn't like the old," Cindy whispers.

"Well, not all of us." I say, cautiously.

"What do you mean?" Spencer says, walking closer. Looking at him I see the pain in his eyes.

"There is one dragon rider, Miles. He turned on us when I wouldn't...I wouldn't...I...never-mind. He just turned on us, and now he is doing everything in his power to make us pay." I explain. When I didn't say what he tried to make me do, Spencer's eyes hardened. It frightened me slightly, with the way his eyes hard darkened, to the colour of coal. Black.

"When you wouldn't what, Emma." Spencer growls. I gasp and back away, behind the podium the egg stands on.

"Um, nothing. Well I'll just be taking my egg and -"


My eyes widen and I spin around to look at the egg. A big crack is running down the centre. A few more small cracks span out from the bigger like a spider vein.

It's hatching.

"No, no, no, no, not yet. Not now!" I whisper frantically running up to the egg and holding my hands over it. The heat radiating off of it making my hands tingle.

As I place my hands onto the egg, there is a big white, blinding light and I'm propelled backwards into a wall. I groan in pain, my ankle throbbing from the sudden movement, and I had seem to had forgotten I had an injured ankle.

My head lolls to the side, a pain filled whimper passing my lips.

"Emma!" I hear Spencer shout.

"Where is she? She's human!" Cindy shouts and I hear footsteps coming closer.

"Emma." I hear Spencer whisper as he kneels next to me, I open my eyes and look at him.

"Oh my god, there's blood coming out of her mouth" Cindy shrieks. I scrunch up my nose, wincing at her loud shriek.

A sudden deep voice interrupts us.

"Move away from the girl"

Spencer and Cindy move to the side.

I look through my lashes at the big creature walking towards us. It having to crouch in the room.

"A dragon." Cindy whispers. I gasp, my dragon.

The big head of the beast bows down and blows on me. A pink mist covers my body then disappears and I feel myself completely healed.

"What dragon are you!" I ask. The dragon lifts his head high and proud. His skin is black with clear scales. His horns are big and clear.

"I'm a Crystal Dragon." He says proudly.

"A what? There is no such dragon." I shake my head in disbelief.

"But there is. The missing part of the book. My breed. I removed it. So no one knew of my existence, I was waiting until the day my master was to find me." He explained.

"But, your supposed to be a baby. Why are you an adult?" I asked.

"I'm not like the other dragons." He says, simply.

"Of course your not," I roll my eyes. "What's your name?"

"I'm Croydon." (Croy-Don) He nods to me. I stand, running my hand over his scales. He huffs, a plume of smoke escaping his nose.

"Croydon." I repeat, liking the sound of him name. I sigh.



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