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*not edited

There is nothing quite like the feeling of teleportation. Although unpleasant the feeling is oddly satisfying. With what seems like a loud pop and the feeling of your body being stretched this way and that there really isn't much to it and you appear on the other side in a matter of seconds.

When I stepped out of the purple film into Dreykn, the land of Dragons, I felt queasy and had to stop my self from vomiting.

I was amused to find the others in the same state as me.

"My bad guys, I forgot to tell you, you might feel a bit sick afterwards," Croydon laughed nervously. I looked up and glared at the boy, his white blue eyes flashing with amusement.

I stand and steady myself before looking around. I take a deep breath as I see the sheer beauty that surrounds me. Directly in front of me lays many bright green rolling hills, the grass topped with small dew buds that made the ground sparkle. But what was really amazing was the floating city up ahead. You could clearly see that this sitting was settled on cloud as buildings stretched way into the sky upon the cloud. From the clouds came several waterfalls each a different colour, red, green, blue, white, gold, black.... any colour you could think of, there was a waterfall for it. The city had a mystical feel to it, the eerie feeling of familiarity confused me, that when I knew that this was Croydons emotion that was strong enough to be passed through our bond.

"Woah," Duce finally said what we were all thinking.

If you listened carefully you could hear the laughter from the city, and music being played loudly, as though there was a festival of some sort.

"You're right Emma, today is Freedom Day. On this day many many years ago, dragons were passed as safe, no longer were we feared for what some of us had done. My father named this Freedom Day, purely because it was the day we were all set free from our cages in the Supernatural Kingdom," Croydon explains, a soft smile resting on his face.

He stretches his arms up into the air before pushing them out in front of him quickly.

"Here, you will all need these to get around," Suddenly each of us were surrounded with white smoke, as the smoke dissipated we were all left with a pair of dragon wings. Mine looked exactly like Croydons in his dragon from, as the others all looked like their dragons wings, even Cindy and Spencer. "Just think of what you want to do and they will do it," he explains. I nod and twist my neck as far as it can go to look at the two new limbs I have acquired.

There's a squeal as Jolie shoots up into the air and darts around a few times before composing herself and gaining control. She begins to laugh as she flies around in the air, her wings flapping slowly but propelling her a great distance. The others begin to rise into the air and I laugh as they all look scared out of their minds.

I laugh as the feeling comes naturally to me and I fly up to meet them all. Croydon joins us with his own pair of wings and smiles. The air feels so fresh and I can't get enough of it.

"Right, which way then?" I ask Croy, grinning excitedly. He shakes his head at me and flies off towards the floating city. Everyone follows, Duce and Liza are still a bit shaky but they will eventually get the hang of it. Spencer flies next to me and grabs my hand, gripping it tightly.

"Are you okay?" He whispers, giving my hand a small squeeze. I look at him and smile.

"You'll know if I'm not okay," I laugh and let go of Spencer, flying faster. "Catch me if ya can!"

He groans, knowing he couldn't catch up to me. I laugh gleefully at the air flying through my hair, making a piece whip around me and get stuck in my mouth. I spit it out, slightly afraid of chocking if I accidentally breathe in.

The floating city begins to grow in size, and the hum of music and laughter gets clearer and louder. As we approach the the borders of the city, Croydon instructs us to slow down so that we don't pose as a threat. I look at the others and see how their eyes are wide with excitement and broad grins on their faces.

We reach two giant looming gates. The gates are made of pure gold and are around 25 feet in height, in the centre is a circle of gold with what appears to be the king dragon cut out of the centre. Croy flies up to the room sitting on a seperate cloud to the city, the guy sitting inside looks up and his eyes widen, instantly he bows his head.

"My Prince," he murmurs. Croydon asks for entrance for us. "But of course!" The boys hand finds a lever and he pulls it down. There is a slight groan before the gates open outwards, the sun bouncing of the sparkling gold. I hold my breath in awe, gazing upon the monstrosity in front of me, it appears everyone else is in the same state as me.

Croydon is the first to enter the gates, as soon as he does a crown appears on his head and a winding, black, tattoo climbs up his arm, the tattoo looks like vines crawling up his arm and winding around his fingertips. My jaw drops as he turns around and beckons us through. I dart in through the gates excited to explore, a tingly feeling on my arm makes me look down where I have an identical tattoo forming as Croydons, except it is white.

I laugh lightly and inspect it, tracing the vines with my other hand. The other come through and each receive their own similar looking tattoos, each with a slight difference, and completely different colours.

"Time to meet my father, are you ready?" Croydon asks, nodding his head in approval to everyone.

"As we will ever be!" Liza says and claps her hands.



Chapter 14 is out!



you guys are amazing!

You have no idea!

Thank you so much guys!

I love you all,

See ya next chappie


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