~25 Epilogue~

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*not edited 

I stare at Croydon in shock as the small timid girl shakes in his arms. Jolie sits there with her mouth open wide and tears in her eyes. 

"Nee?" Jolie whispers, softly. "Is this real? How're you... what the.." 

Neeme lifts her head from Croydons chest and sends Jolie a cheeky smile. 

Croydon helps her stand to her feet, the fragile girl wobbling to the left slightly. Slowly he shows her how to walk and get accustomed to two feet rather than four. This was a whole new feeling for Neeme, you see, the scales on a dragons foot are extremely thick and therefore minimise feeling, but now as Nee stands here barefoot she can feel the ground between her toes for what I am guessing is the first time. We all stand in awe as Neeme's bright red hair billows behind her like a wall of fire, her hair was almost past her toosh. He eyes are soft and weary the bright emerald green shining like orbs below thick black lashes. 

"I've waited years to be able to do that again," Neeme sighs ant clenches her toes in the sand. 

"Guys, i have something to tell you..." I whisper, looking at Spencer. Everyone looks at me. "Im pregnant." 


"MUMMA!!!!" The shrill scream from down stairs snaps me awake from my nap, having twin 2 year olds does that some times. 

"What is it Zeke?" I sigh, rubbing my eyes as my son appears in front of me. 

"Zayna stole my toy!" he cried, clinging to my leg. 

"Zay, come on give it back." she whimpers and hands it to her brother. 


Okay, heres the dealio, I give up on this story, I can't be more proud of how far it has come and the number of reads it has gotten but I just don't feel it anymore. My heart is set on my new book which I just posted the sneak peek of, be sure to check it out, it would mean a lot and while I cant satisfy you guys with this book I hope I can with my new one??

Love you all

-Tay x 

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