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I shivered and wrapped my arms around my self, rubbing up and down in a failed attempt to escape the bitter cold. My teeth chatter and my eyes feel as though they are frozen shut. A huge bump throws me into a wall, this is what causes my eyes to snap open. What greets me is really surprising, from what I originally thought was a small room is really a refrigerated truck. Shivers wrack my body and I find that moving has become a difficult task. Jerkily my head moves around, I find that I'm in a truck stacked to the brim with tubs upon tubs of ice cream.

Well if I'm gonna die at least can die eating heaven... I think lightly.

The truck jolts again causing me to fall onto my side, I go to push myself up but quickly realise that my hands are restricted by some sort of metal chord. I give it a tug to see if it had any give, but no luck. I yell out in frustration.

What the hell is going on? Ryan.... he...

My thoughts are interrupted by the trucks engine cutting out and footsteps being heard on some sort of gravel. Theres a bang and the door swings open all the cold air rushing out in one big gush. I shiver again and squint my eyes from the blinding sunlight. As my eyes adjust to the new light I see my brother and another man standing there. My brother - if I can even call him that anymore - has a look of guilt in his eyes while the other man just blankly stares at me with no emotion. He reminds me of Ryder... which isn't a good thing.

"Stand up," He orders, his voice is so deep it startles me. When I don't stand his stare hardens. "I said, stand up," I look him in the eyes and blink, I'm in no hurry to do what he says.

"Em, stand up," My brother mumbles, I glare at him.

"You have no right to tell me what to do. Some brother you are," I growl, I feel my eyes glowing. He winces and I roll my eyes. Once a sook, always a sook. The other man, who's name I am yet to learn groans before walking into the truck and towards me. I back away when he bends down, his face extremely close to my own. His breath smells foul, like rotting carcass and I am forced to turn my head away for fear of choking on the scent. I glance at his eyes and see that they are fully black, no iris, completely pupil. I gasp lightly, a gargled sound coming from my cold and frozen throat.

The man hooks his hand under my arm and lifts me up and over his shoulder. His shoulder is hard and muscly and is digging deep into my stomach causing me to groan. The upper half of my body dangles over his back, my head dangerously close to his behind region. As he walks out of the truck and jumps down the the ground below I bounce harshly on his shoulder, each bounce causing a strangled groan.

I have no idea of our whereabouts but as I inspect the ground I see many tree roots, that would explain the bouncy truck drive.

"Where are you taking me?'' I ask, he coughs but doesn't reply. "Excuse me! I asked you a question!" Once again he doesn't reply. I close my eyes tightly and idea forming in my mind.

Lord have mercy...

I clamp my teeth down on his left cheek, a high pitched scream leaves his mouth as he drops me on the ground and clutches his behind. The air is knocked out of me as I hit the ground but I don't let it phase me or the fact that this man was able to make such a high pitched sound come from his mouth, quickly I push myself up with my bound hands and take off sprinting in the opposite direction, hoping that the truck is still there. While my brother isn't to be found I don't wonder of where he is, rather focus on my destination... getting away alive. Eventually I see the truck and I breathe a sigh of relief, but my celebration is short-lived and something hard hits me from my right side. Black covers the corner of my vision before all I can see is the same, dark, uninviting colour and from then on, the world is a mystery.


Hey Guys! So Obviously this chapter was out pretty quick! And yeah, I know its short and I'm sorry for that I'm just trying to get back into the swing of things, I think I am finally getting my life on track. Now, last chapter I had so much support from you guys that I literally cried. I was so happy that I have loyal readers who have been here since the beginning. I even got a message from someone who read my very first story on wattpad three years ago, ( which was a complete disaster by the way.) saying that she was so proud of how far I have come and how much I have matured and developed in my writing style.

If I said I was one of those writers that don't use paragraphs and just writes "and then, and then, and then" and didn't use anything other than "He said, She said, I said" would you believe me?

I honestly can't believe that I went from my books having a couple of hundred reads total to waking up this morning and seeing that My Dragon has passed the 20K milestone, we are now on 20.3K reads! Like that is mind-boggling! Absolutely crazy! I can't thank you enough!!

Now I have some news, sadly this book is coming to an end, I think I will stop it at 25 chapters, as most short novels like this one have around this amount of chapters. But this isn't going to be a single book, I am planning on doing a sequel. What the sequel will be about, I am yet to figure out.

I'm not particularly sure if I am going to do a huge time skip on the final chapter, possibly something in the future. I promise these next chapters will be much much longer.

I have also gotten an idea for a new book. This is a small sneak peak if any of you are interested.

Broken Promises

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Broken Promises

Hannah and Tyler were best friends for longer than either of then could remember. They watched each other grow up, get stronger, find their weakest points and forced each other to 'get back up', they were the definition of inseparable.

Everyone believed that they would eventually be a couple, they'd date, give kisses to each other, Hey! Maybe even be king and queen on prom. But, everything good comes to an end.

Hannah is given news that changes her life forever. She isn't the same person as before. She's closed off, and distant. And, Tyler? He's a constant reminder of their past, and what she can no longer have.

"She said she wouldn't go..... but she did,"

I hope you guys appreciate this chapter and this little authors note.

I would also like to give a little shout out to....




Thanks for the support guys!!

-Tay xx

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