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"What's with this chick fainting all the time?" I hear the distinctive voice of Ryder break me from my sleep.

"Blame Spencer, he was the one to blurt out 'MINE!' Without even thinking." Someone whom I didn't recognise said.

"Well, when is she going to wake up?" Ryder says.

"Geez, you werewolves really are bad at this kind of thing." I mumble, opening my eyes.

Ryder is at the end of the couch, with his arms crossed over his chest. And a young girl was standing next to him, smiling at me.

"Hi! I'm Cindy, Spencer's sister and Ryder's mate." She chirps.

"Uh, Hi. I'm Emma.." I trail off.

"Oh silly me, you probably won't be familiar with our customs a mate-"

"Is short for soul-mate, a werewolfs other half, who they live for, the females are dependent on the males for protection, while the males are dependent on the females for food. Yarda-yarda-yarda." I finish. She looks at me with wide eye, before blinking and grinning again.

"Well, maybe you are." She laughs. I smile slightly, how unusual, a girl like her to be paired with a guy like Ryder? I guess the saying 'opposites attract' really does exist.

"How do you know of our customs, what we are..when your human?" Ryder, interrogates.

"Because, I may be human, but that doesn't mean I'm not special." I grumble, looking at him with a glare.

"Special?" Cindy asks.

"I'm a Raider." I shrug.

"Your a raider?" Ryder says, laughing as though it's not believable.

"Yes...why is that hard to believe?" I ask, eyebrows raised.

"You? Where's your dragon? Why didn't it tell you, that you were on pack land?" He says, trying to stifle his laughter.

"Because I'm the only dragon rider without a dragon, so far. We are going to Yewsa Falls tomorrow to look, that's supposed to be where the last egg is." I inform. Cindy gasps and whispers something in Ryder's ear. His eyes go wide.

"Shit" he states before running off.

"What was that about?" I ask Cindy after he is gone.

"Come with me.'' She hisses before grabbing my arm and pulling me.

I look funnily at her back, wondering where she is taking me in such a hurry. I pulled back a little, but she just yanked my arm forward and whispered a small 'come on.'

"Where are you taking me? Cindy?" I ask, trying to free my wrist from her vice like grip. She harshly spins us around a corner, leading us to a new corridor. A few twists and turns later, we arrive at an iron-clad door. I stare at the door looming in front of me funnily. What's behind this metal door?

"Look, what your see in here, you have to promise...you won't hate me, we had a perfectly good reason to do it, I swear!" Cindy whispers.

I glance at her and back to the door, the look on her face, it makes me squirm. A look so disheartening that I actually want to give in.

"I'm not going to like this...am I Cindy?" I trail, off. Not wanting to loose a friend that I've made in this godforsaken place.

"I'm afraid not, Emma." She nods, scuffing her feet.

I bite my lip as she turns a key she pulled from her pocket in the door. There is a clunk as she pulls the key out, huffing with the effort of opening the heavy door. She glances at me once the door is fully opened before gulping and gesturing me forwards.

I take a step into the room, my eyes finding a yellow light shining onto a podium, and sitting on the podium is a clear, crystal looking egg. It's nothing like the other dragon eggs I've seen.

"There is another dragon rider?" I gasp. Cindy winces and shakes her head.

"No." She whispers.

"So it's not a dragon egg." I say, confidently. She winces again.

"No." She says.

"Cindy, please. Don't tell me it's what I think it is." I beg, my eyes widening. She glances at the egg and back to me.

"It is," she nods, glumly.

I close my eyes and shake my head.

"Why?" I struggle to say, tears building in my eyes.

"Because, Dragon Riders killed our mom." I hear someone say from the door.


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