➽ T h r e e : Tours of History

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"It is not so much our friends' help that helps us, as the confidence of their help."  
- Epicurus

I woke up in a strange room

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I woke up in a strange room. Curtains of inky darkness were covering all windows, as if someone blanketed my eyes with a sheer veil of black. I tried to blink and rub my eyes, to make them adjust to some form of light.

I mentally assessed my body to make sure all of me was there, that was the first task in my morning routine. Nothing was out of place but my muscles felt like cement, as if I didn't move an inch for days.

I sat up from whatever I was laying on. I couldn't be sure that it was a bed. It felt too abnormal for a bed but it wasn't a mat on the floor. I explored everything within arms distance when my hand found the smooth warmth of a blanket that I must have kicked off.

I couldn't recall how I made it into a room. The only thing I remembered was sliding into the black SUV with my Master and being buckled into my seat by one of the massive men at the Queens' side. Then, my head lolled to the side as the adrenaline finally made its way completely out of my system and left me lethargic.

I was shocked at how out of it I must have been. I don't think I ever slept soundly with people around me, let alone deep enough to be moved into a different environment. I touched my body to find myself in different clothes as well. A silk outfit that was simple but soft. My skin appreciated the night of smooth fabric rubbing against it. All of a sudden, a sliver of light appeared near the floor of the room. I assumed that was the door.

I stood up and wavered, unbalanced in an unfamiliar place of darkness. I walked, heel to toe, toward the door making sure I didn't step on anything and trying to be as quiet as possible with my steps. I laid my hand on the knob, took a deep breath wondering if it were wise to try and explore the place of my servitude without permission, then held it.

As soon as I opened the door, a bright light blinded me. I stepped out of the doorway to see if my pupils would adjust quicker with the dark behind me. Unfortunately, before my eyes acclimated to the sudden onslaught I collided into another human-like figure.

As I was knocked to the floor, the immense size of the figure frightened me. I could make out the outline of an arm outstretched towards me and the fear released a shiver down my spine.

The hand paused at my reaction. "I won't hurt you. I'm sorry for not paying attention to where I was going."

My eyes widened. The large person was a woman. More shocking than that, my sight had restored itself and I could see her vibrant purple hair that faded to a snowy white at the ends. Her mouth held a polite smile but her eyes were worried.

"You're the new girl aren't you? Maddie?"

I nodded my head and her hand shot back out towards me. I stopped my flinch but still hesitated. The woman smiled wider as she wiggled her fingers, trying to entice. I slowly reached my hand out to grab hers. Okay, let's see where this goes.

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