➽ S i x t e e n : Not a Vacation

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"I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination."
- Jimmy Dean

Exhaustion settled over my bones, cement that hardened and delayed any attempts to pack clothes into a duffel bag

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Exhaustion settled over my bones, cement that hardened and delayed any attempts to pack clothes into a duffel bag. All I wanted to do was curl up on my bed, though it was currently covered with items I had already deemed useless for this trip. I was running on exceedingly small amounts of sleep. My last full rest was the day I spent in the medical wing. However, I forced myself to rush on, to cram full the bag that seemed to have an endless pit inside of it.

A deep eddy of thoughts consumed me as I packed. We were traveling to the most important, most influential group of supernatural beings. They would sit together right in front of me. I was slightly terrified yet at the same time I was overcome with joy. I couldn't believe I was allowed and even requested to be a part of this. To travel to a place no human had ever stepped foot before. Reasonably I knew I was no longer a simple human, but the majority of my life was spent as one. I was still one in the innermost sanctuaries of my heart and mind.

A small cough behind me caused me to jump in shock and throw whatever I was holding up into the air. I spun around and as soon as I did, I wanted to drop into a hole. The fabric I had in my hands was a comfortable and silky pair of panties, which managed to land right on the head of the intruder. It must have been a talent, the way I could embarrass myself to my fullest potential when it came to the Prince. I knew my face was deep scarlet, to the point I feared it would stay like that.

We were frozen like that with my face burning. Tantalizingly, ever so slow he brought his hand up and removed the panties from his head. When he stared at them, his eyes glued to the small, thin fabric I caught the flicker of red that flashed in his eyes. My heart kicked up a notch on its own accord. Jaxon snapped his eyes to me and with what looked like small difficulty on his part, the red had dulled over a few more seconds.

He stepped toward my bed and lightly put the panties on top of my bag. He broke the awkward silence with a clear of his throat. "Madelyn. I really wanted to apologize for my impeccably horrible behavior as of late. I know things between us had been strained to the limit before we even really got to understand one another. I, well I came to try again. Not only to understand you but to even beg for forgiveness if I must."

I automatically held my hand up to stop him from saying any more.

"Listen, I know I've been treating you unfairly. Not only as my future King but also as my friend. I was bombarded with information left and right without being able to breathe in between. First the Queen of all Supernaturals takes me out of my prison because she was friends with my mother who I never met or really remembered. Only to find out that the entire life I was prepared for was turned upside down. Of course, I'm not saying I'm not grateful that I don't have to go through that but it was a lot to adjust to. Then I was kidnapped. Only to find out I was no longer a human. Add my mother also being a defect, I was already in a fragile state."

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