➽ T w e n t y - n i n e : Undoing

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"Because what's worse than knowing you want something, besides knowing you can never have it?"
- James Patterson

"Because what's worse than knowing you want something, besides knowing you can never have it?"- James Patterson

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Prince Jaxon's P.O.V.
I walked backwards, staring at her face to commit its expression to my memory. In over four centuries of existence, I had never felt such a strong pull toward another being. Even when she was small and innocent, not yet broken by the ways of the Academy, I felt the urge to protect her. The fact that it had blossomed into full blown love on both of our parts was unfathomable. Yet, this is where I found myself. Being graced by the acceptance and unrelenting force of her loving gaze directed at me. 

I would do anything for her. 

With reluctance, I turned on my heel and dashed for the manor. I didn't want to waste any time that I was afforded to spend with her but I had to admit I was starting to feel a little hungry myself. My thirst was sated by a blood giver just a week ago and while it was starting to grow noticeable, I had no need for another drink.

My mother's system for quenching our needs was revolutionary. A long cry from the days of old she spoke of, where our kind had to hide and take what they could while being hunted in a world that would burn them in the daylight. Now, there was no death and mutual respect from both sides. We only take as much as we need. 

As opposed to other vampire factions, most of them small and irrelevant, who wanted to keep humans as cattle. Nothing more than a source of food and an animal to have power over. Lord Cathcart wanted to bring those ways back and take it even farther. It was revolting and with that thought I slammed the doors open with more force than I intended. 

A few startled heads turned my way but quickly went back to their own business once they saw it was me. Being the Prince, I had a reputation that Madelyn was slowly chipping away. Ever serious, stoic prince always observing but never interacting. I found it odd that I didn't want to be like that with my people anymore. I let the doors shut behind me, more gentle this time. 

The dining hall was the best place in the manor, in my opinion. Something we shared in common. Food may not be our only source of nutrition but that didn't make it taste any less delicious. Evan was a master in his craft. 

Being as fast as I could without calling attention to my haste, I grabbed a plate and loaded up with two of each food I could fit, making sure to grab extra of the lemon pudding. Madelyn loved lemon, I recalled her telling me about the first time she had something lemon flavored and filling her stomach way past its capacity. 

A little chuckle left my lips, thinking of her was the most joyous feeling. It was a welcome change, my thoughts used to only revolve around the possible future of being a leader and helping my mother in any way she needed from me. Now they were filled with light and a brighter outlook to possibilities. I wonder how she would feel about being a Queen?

I frowned at the thought, not wanting to get too far ahead. Something like that would probably overwhelm her even more than she already was. I covered the food with a bowl to prevent any spilling and was on my way back to her, where I belonged. 

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