➽ T h i r t y : Insanity and Bloodshed

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"It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane."
- Philip K. Dick

It was like waking from a dream only it was a heart pounding nightmare full of your deepest fears

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It was like waking from a dream only it was a heart pounding nightmare full of your deepest fears. My whispers were screaming at me louder than ever before but coming to my senses took more time than usual, causing a panic to rise within the adrenaline coursing through my veins. 

'He's dead!' 

'You must fight back!'

'Do not let him win!'


I could register Queen Helen's voice, pleading and sobbing but her words were muddled in the space between her lips and my ears. My hands were pulling on something soft, with strict force as it struggled against my grip. I could smell the thick metallic odor of gore so distinctly that I knew death had come to many. I could even taste the blood in my mouth, raising the question of how I got from the most peaceful time at the lake to where I was now?

It was like my sight was trying to protect me with it's refusal to let me see. Once I could however, I wanted everything to disappear, I wanted to be blind. At first I realized that the struggling object in my grasp was the Queen, hunched over with tears clearly streaming down her face, which was battered and covered in crimson. 

Then, I saw what had caused her grief and felt my own violently rip through me. Prince Jaxon was sprawled out on the cold tile, a puddle of carnage flooding underneath him. It soaked his shirt that he was wearing, the one he teased my womanly instincts with as he unbuttoned it at the lake. The most horrific part was witnessing his head several feet from where his body lay, completely detached. 

I swallowed my scream as my eyes locked with those hunter green orbs of familiarity, now glossed over, lifeless and unseeing. Denallsh stood before his people, boasting about his victory. Mine were kneeling in submission to the man who turned their home into a battlefield. My anguish quickly morphed into seething rage, my vision only focusing on the blonde haired Lord, covered in the blood of the person I loved most. 

Queen Helen was still confined within my hands, Denallsh too busy pontificating to the crowd and delighting in the sound of his own voice. Before he could register my threat, I needed Denallsh to be disabled. I dropped Helen's arms and used all of my speed to get behind him.

I struck with every ounce of strength I had. I learned how to break joints and used the knowledge to snap his knees out from under him. Even with supernatural healing, it would take time. Long enough for me to enact my revenge. Long enough to sate the demanding whispers who wanted to bathe in his veins. 

The yell of pain he let out was music to my ears. I felt my sanity slipping from my mind but I didn't care. I kicked my leg out again and snapped a few of his ribs. Denallsh groaned again, cursing my name and threatening that I would regret it. But, I wouldn't. The feel of his bones cracking under my feet was a glorious sound almost enough to dull the pain of my heart.

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