➽ T w e n t y - o n e : Acting Normal

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"True love is not a strong, fiery, impetuous passion. It is, on the contrary, an element calm and deep. It looks beyond mere externals, and is attracted by qualities alone. It is wise and discriminating, and its devotion is real and abiding."
- Ellen G. White

More days passed in a blur of routine that I was thankful for

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More days passed in a blur of routine that I was thankful for. Commander Cole heard whispers of Denallsh planning his next attack but there was no word on the full details. The guard and I had dealt with one more group of portal hoppers and it went smoothly. Since I was assigned to the role, there hadn't been a single successful mission executed by the collection services. I had to wonder how irritated the Academy was becoming, unable to keep their humans stocked. I reveled in the idea. 

Becca had even planned a movie night for the girls I've been growing comfortable with. I witnessed her threatening Evan with crude promises to withhold certain parts of their relationship should he not make good on his mission to deliver us excellent junk food. In the end it was Becca, Annie, Desiree, and I sitting in Becca's room set up with cozy blankets and pillows on the floor in front of a massive television. I really didn't pay much attention to the movie and instead soaked up the intimacy between us, the friendship that was growing into family.  

My days had become wholly normal, at least as normal as it could be in a world of supernatural beings and a war brewing. I found myself walking the last of my patrol, side by side with the Prince again. The tension between our closeness became a welcome feeling, to the point I had stopped allowing any space between us. We brushed against each other and neither said a word about what that meant. Or so I thought. 

Jaxon stopped walking suddenly, holding my arm to keep me in place. "Madelyn, I've been wondering, how would you like to spend an evening with me?" 

"But I've been spending every evening with you?" I questioned, unsure what he meant. He let go of my arm and fiddled with his fingers, more nervous than I ever experienced from the Prince. 

"I was thinking more like a date." My eyes went wide. He wanted to spend time with me in a more casual, romantic setting? "That is of course, if you would want to be alone with me?"

"Yes!" The word rushed out of my mouth in a hurry that left me feeling embarrassed. Jaxon however looked relieved. Excited. I continued my thought with confidence. "It would be nice to spend a night with you without trying to hit you." 

His answering laugh eased any awkwardness between us. "Meet me at the greenhouse tomorrow, after your rounds." 

Jaxon left me with a wink and an empty feeling with him gone. However, I didn't linger on it. Instead I thought of the next night and what it could possibly lead to. 

I rushed through the rest of my duties, not really paying attention to anything other than the thoughts in my head. What should I wear? I didn't want it to be my usual guard uniform, he always sees me in that. My curiosity grew at the feelings inside of me, my want to make this special and meaningful. 

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