Author's note

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I wrote the beginning of this story when I was 14/15 years old so unsurprisingly, the beginning of this story (to put it nicely) really sucks.
I'm not joking - it's terrible.
Thankfully (for myself as well as the poor souls that read this book), my writing has gotten a lot more tolerable over the last few years, so it does get considerably better as the chapters go on. I wrote this in the first place to practice writing, and I suppose I somewhat accomplished that goal. 

However, you have been warned. Read this at your own cringe-worthy risk.

With that said, if you still for some unknown miraculous reason do decide to stick with me after thirty chapters of god-awful writing, then I would just like to 

a) Inform you that you're either a Saint or an angel, because anyone who can make it past those first few terrible chapters must be heaven-sent 

b) Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being said Saint/angel who would take the time to read my pre-pubescent writing. **




I've noticing that the content with 'werewolf' stories on wattpad have been increasingly dealing with what I've started calling 'rejection stories'. Having said that, many of you saw this and most probably thought, "Ugh, another werewolf story," or "Here we go. Another rejection story," .

I realize and I know there are a lot of werewolf rejection stories out there, because believe me, I've seen em. Lately, the number of 'rejection' stories on Wattpad have spiked like crazy, and I can't help but feel that 80% of them have the same plot. You know the drill: Ugly/nerd girl is mated to hot popular boy, girl finds out she's mated to him, guy rejects her, girl leaves and comes back all hot, guy wants her back, happily ever after, the end, etc.

But that's exactly why I'm trying my hand at it. No matter how cliché a plotline is, you never know who can do it justice. :D I've read a lot of the stories on here and I haven't quite found one that's takes this plot and turns it into something interesting, so I decided to just write one of my own.

So yes, the first few chapters will seem cliché with the usual rejection plot (the first six chapters, to be exact). But that's the point, because right after that, I'm going to put my own twist into it, so I hope you'll stay along for the ride.

The real reason I wrote this was because I wanted to work on my writing skills as an author before I got into writing original stories that I reallyreally care about, and I also wanted to use the whole rejection plot and make it a story that wasn't all about love and the "girl getting with the guy", because there's waay more to life than that. 

And jeez, if you actually read that whole shpeel then lotsa kudos to you and your patient self because I'm hella lazy and wouldn't have myself xD

And I can never say this enough, but thank you for reading ♥ 

So, so much :D


*ALSO* If you're expecting a completely sexually driven, sexually tension filled plotline where the main plotline of the story is filled with romance and goal of the girl/guy is to get with the guy/girl and get in bed with him as soon as possible...this is not the book for you. Yes, romance will be part of the plot, but just like real life, there is much more to it than just the guy and girl getting together. Life isn't always so much about finding your soulmate as it is about finding and understanding your own soul.

 Okay okay, I'll shut up now. 

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