The Bipolar Ways of Fate

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Forty-five years ago, in 2050, humans were the prime dominators of earth. All of us ‘others’ remained hidden, under keeps. However, when the human race started to increasingly have what was then referred to as ‘fictional’ characters—vampires, werewolves, wizards— became bigger and bigger parts of their media and entertainment, more and more humans began to become alert. More humans started noticing, started seeing.

And forty-five years ago, the first werewolf was discovered.

Not long after that the vampires, the witches and wizards, the nymphs, the fallen angels, the frost whisperers and all the other ‘deviations’—a term the humans came up with for anyone who wasn’t, well, human—were discovered, one by one.

 The sudden discoveries of all the deviations sent the humans into a panic. They were terrified that they would be overpowered and they began to try and kill us all off, throw us into jail cells, which in turn started a full blown war amongst all living things on earth—humans and deviations alike.

Eventually, one man—a leader, a representative, of sorts—from every deviation stepped forward. They split us all up, realizing that our powers were all too dangerous and different to keep us all in one place.

And just like that, The Great Divide began. They sent all the werewolves to North America, vampires to Australia, frost whisperers to Antarctica, fire breathers to Africa, Nymphs to South America, witches and wizards to Asia, and finally, the humans to Europe.

All the other ‘minority deviations’, the deviations with smaller populations, like fallen angels, ended up in places like Hawaii, Cuba, Indonesia, or Malaysia.

The leader from each deviation rose up and began their own political systems within their deviations, and soon enough, they also created the IPKA—the International Peacekeeping Association—a system through which all the different deviations could keep their peace between their countries.

The leader of each deviation then elects someone else— a representative—every ten years to represent their own deviation in the IPKA—for meetings, conferences, diplomatic visits, and more. This position as a representative is a very prestigious and high title; I heard it was like being president or King back when the humans would dominate.

We, the United Wolf Nation (UWN) as we now call ourselves, have a process for selecting a representative to represent us in the IPKA. All the werewolf students across North America would be analyzed in their freshman year when the time was near to pick a representative. Then, three students would be selected—one from the east, one from the west, and one from the central area of North America—3 years before the ten year time span was up for a representative. The students are chosen off of education skill and intelligence.

The three chosen students would then go as interns to the current representative for one year, spend one year at home afterwards, and then next year when the time came for a new representative, the three interns would go through a series of tests and competitions to determine which of the three would become the representative for the UWN for ten years.

And now, as my head spun as I reread the first paragraph of the letter repeatedly, I was slowly realizing that I was one of the three.

 I would be representing the East Coast.

I could be a representative.

Oh, my…

I had always done well at school, I suppose, as I was currently taking classes as a freshman that juniors are currently taking, but had I known they had this effect…

Since I had practically no social life, studying came naturally to me. It was an escape to lose myself in the numbers and stories and histories of our nation. It was definitely better than my life.

Also, I needed to do well in school if I was to get into college.

There was always a local college near every pack, which most graduated students from every pack attended for a couple years after high school. In fact, Casey’s brothers were there now. But I didn’t want the local college.

No, I wanted to get far away, away from my miserable life here.

But now, as I read the paragraph one more time—“you have been selected from your pack”— I realized I wouldn’t be going to college.

No, this was better than college.

Oh, moons. This was the representative internship program!

I was one of the three people chosen out the whole nation for this.

Oh, my gosh.

I skimmed down the letter, reading it as fast as I could while still making sense of it.

It is with great pleasure that we accept you as our east-intern for the year. We hope you accept this very admired, respected, and high-status role. Compared to the results of the nation, your academic achievements are exemplary. We have enclosed airline tickets for a flight that departs this Sunday here, to the capital if you choose to accept. When you arrive at the DUI Airport you will be chauffeured to the IPKA headquarters, which will be your living accommodations for the next year. We hope you find our stay with us as intern comfortable, and we assure you we will do everything in our power to make you feel at home.

We hope you are as thrilled with this arrangement as we are, and choose to accept this role as intern, and we bid you some early luck in the Internship-Quest competition in two years.

We hope that you will be enlightened with the high duties as a representative while you learn to be intern, and we hope to see you this Sunday.

                                                            Thank you, and Once Again, Congratulations!

                                                                        Leader of the UWN, Knowles Harriston

“What’s the letter for? You paled like ten shades just now, which is saying something, because you’ve been pale for the last three days anyway.” Casey asked, breaking my trance of re-reading the letter for the umpteenth time.

Wordlessly, I handed Casey the paper.

“Case…” I said slowly. “I think I know where I’m leaving to.”


Phew! That chapter was jam packed with Info, so sorry to cram it all like that!

Was it too much all at once?

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