My Brother Thinks I Am Insane

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I am such and idiot.

As soon as the word slipped out of my mouth, I knew it was a horrifying mistake. And that was before Deanne Saunders decided to step in.

Cody opened his mouth, no doubt about to say something, but I would never find out because Deanne chose that moment to express her disgust.

"What did you say?" she asked in disbelief.

There was a moment of shock, and then suddenly I was ripped from Cody. I turned and saw Nolan quickly dragging me to the car.

"No," Deanne said, grabbing my hand and pulling me back. "I want to hear if she said what I actually think she just said."

Dubious murmurs filled the little bystander group around us. I turned and met Cody's eyes, and I knew, I knew it was real. He was still staring at me, his mouth slightly open.

Someone grabbed my shoulder and suddenly I was looking into the incredulous green eyes of Deanne Saunders. 

"You just said 'mate'," she confirmed, her mouth twisted into half a smile. "Didn't you?"

I nodded. Did she actually believe me? Maybe she couldn't hate me if I was mated to someone from her group of friends. Maybe she would actually start to-

Deanne threw her head back and burst into laughter. "Classic!" She leaned over and gave Cody a playful shove. "I always knew she had a crush on you, Cody, but I never thought she'd play this card to get you."

"Are you insane?!" Nolan spluttered, looking at me like I'd suddenly grown a tail and wings and decided to declare undying love for tap dancing.

"What?" I asked, staring at him blankly. It wasn't my fault Cody was my mate. It wasn't something you could control.

"Look," Nolan said, shaking his head, his expression one of disbelief and pity, "I'm sorry if you feel like a loser, but that doesn't mean that you can...just make up some lie about a mate! Sierra, this is going too far. Even for you."

Cody's head whipped to my brother, and back at me, his eyes wide. And suddenly it all made sense.

I never thought she'd play this card.

Are you insane?

Make up some lie about a mate.

They thought I was lying.

 "Are you kidding me?" I spat. I yanked my hand out of Nolan's stronghold and glared at him. This group of kids may be able to ruin my social life, fine, but they sure as hell weren't getting ahold of my relationship with my mate as well. "Why on earth would Iie about this? I'm telling the truth!"

Deanne snorted. "She's actually going with it. I can't believe it." 

I rounded on Cody. "Tell them!" For someone who was my brother's best friend, I couldn't remember the last time I'd talked to him directly. Cody's expression hadn't changed from the one of shock. "Tell them I'm not lying!"

"Oh, man, I'm sorry, Cody," my brother said, shaking his head. "I didn't know she would steep this low."

I was still staring down Cody, waiting for him to defend me. To tell them that I wasn't lying, I was his mate.

But he wasn't saying anything.

I pleaded with my eyes. Tell them. Come on. You're my mate! Tell them.

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