What's a Story Without Some World Domination?

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Casey leaned back on my bed, looking up at the ceiling. "Do you think it's possible to find a new mate?"

I glanced at her from my curled up position from my chair, where I was doing my math homework. "Casey, you know I wish I could as much as you, but I don't think it's possible. You know the foretelling: ‘The spirits became furious,  for splitting every wolf in two they were notorious, they sent the wolves to opposite ends of the earth, destined to spend our lives—"

"—to spend our lives in mirth, until they seek other half', yeah, yeah, I know. But," she said, with an air of frustration, "is that it? Are we just done now? Now that we hate our mates, we're just stuck like this, without a destiny? Just like my...my..." Casey trailed off, looking uncomfortable.

"What's wrong?" I asked her, looking up from my math homework. "Just like your what?"

"Nothing," Casey said, "it's just...are we just done, then? Is this it for us? We can't be with our mate. Is the reason of our existence just over now?"

"Those are some pretty deep questions, Casey," I laughed. "Aren't we supposed to wait till we're fifty till we start asking stuff like that?"

"I'm just..." Casey huffed, "confused. Just confused. I don't know what to do with myself."

"You could do that AP Bio homework you were supposed to turn in last class," I teased.

"Sierra Lillian Brimingwall," Casey declared, siting up on her bed, "It is two o'clock on a Saturday afternoon. No human being in their right mind would be willingly working on their homework at this god forbidden hour. And math homework, at that," she said, wrinkling her nose in disgust.

"Unfortunately, I'm in all AP, so I actually have an excuse—"

"Why would you take all AP?!" Casey exclaimed. "I still don’t understand this logic. It's not like you need college," Casey scoffed, waving her hand dismissively. "you might be a freaking Representative. There is no need whatsoever to take AP courses at all. Hun, you’re set for life."

"Well, what if I don't become Representative?" I challenged, raising my eyebrows.

Casey scoffed again. "Highly unlikely. Did you see yourself with that Nerf gun? And that was a Nerf gun. I'd be terrified to see you use the real thing."

I laughed, throwing my eraser at her. "If you think I was bad, you should see Doreen. She can shoot something a mile away and probably still hit the target."

"First of all," Casey said, dodging my eraser throw which had almost hit her forehead, "The Sierra Brimingwall I knew a year ago would have made that throw and would've had the eraser land on the other side of the room."

I frowned. "Was I that bad?"

"Well, sort of. No offense. But now, you barely even aimed at me, and that just almost hit my forehead."

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