Stupid high school drama

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That’s the most vivid memory of all.  Having Aaron there for me that day, even though he loved nothing more than to torture me.  I cried into the crease of his arm, as I attempted to let go.  I didn’t think it was possible to love someone so much.  Not only am I losing the boy I love, but I’m losing my best friend as well.  I removed myself from him, and stood to my feet.  I looked down at him, and he looked so fragile and broken.  “I love you, Aaron.” I whispered, and leaned down to kiss the top of his head.  After letting go of him, I slowly backed out of the room, giving him one more glance before leaving and closing the door behind me.  I would return tomorrow after school.

The car ride was silent with Hayden on the way home.  I’m sure he wasn’t asking questions because of the sight of my face.  You could tell I had been crying an awful lot.  When we got home, I had to drag myself inside.  I didn’t feel like moving, let alone being alive at this point.  I went straight up to my room, and slammed my head into my pillow, sobbing quietly.  I felt someone sit next to me, and they began to rub my back. “It’ll be okay, J.” It was Hayden.

                “I know, it has to be.” I mumbled into my pillow.

My brother was pretty much my rock sometimes.  “You know Aaron.  He makes it through everything.”

I huffed, turning my head out so I could breathe, “What was the fight about anyways?”

Hayden sighed, “That’s a good question.  What I don’t understand is, Aaron would have come to me before he did anything like that.  It had to of been serious for him to do that.”

I nodded in agreement, “Try seeing everything.” I began to cry again.  I put my face back in my pillow, and Hayden rubbed my back, trying to sooth me.  “Try and get some rest.” He whispered.  He was right though.  I needed sleep.  I’ve been crying so much, and my eyes were almost completely shut I was so tired and worn out.  I fell asleep within minutes of him demanding me rest.

I woke up feeling worse that I had been when I fell asleep.   I groaned, sitting up in my place.  The sun was no longer there, and was replaced by the moon.  My door opened like everyone knew I had just waken up.  Hayden came in my room, with a plate of food and a bottle of water.  He handed me the food, and placed the water on the bed side table.  He turned the small lamp on, that was also placed on the side table.  “I’m not hungry.” I mumbled, slamming my head back down on the pillow.

I could tell he was annoyed, “You haven’t eaten today.  You need to eat, and then I have some good news to tell you.”

Now I was getting annoyed.  I sat up, “What’s the good news?” I asked.

He smirked, “You have to eat first.”

I shook my head, “No, tell me the news first.”

                “Eat first.” He demanded.

I wrinkled my nose.  I grabbed the plate from his hands, and started stuffing my mouth.  I was actually starving, because I haven’t eaten in what feels like weeks.   Everything was absolutely mouthwatering and I ate everything on my plate.  Once I finished, I sat my plate on the side table.  I crossed my legs, and gave Hayden the gesture to continue.  “Now what’s going on?” Anxiety kicked in at that moment, because I was anxious to see what this good news was.  If it wasn’t about Aaron waking up, it’s not good news.  He took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly.  “Spit it out!” I screamed.  I started rocking back and forth, waiting for him to speak.  “They say Aaron is showing good signs of waking up soon.”

My heart fell, “What?”

He looked at me funny.  I didn’t know what to say, to be honest.  I don’t know if that was exactly good news.  “Aaron should be awake soon?” I asked.

My heart started beating with more anticipation.  “Well they don’t know when exactly.  But they said it would be soon.  His mom just called.  She said she tried to call you, but you didn’t answer.

                I raised and eye brow, “My phones in my pocket.” I checked all my pockets, and realized it wasn’t there.  “I think I left it in the car,” I stood up and slipped on my flip flops.  “I’ll be back.” I groaned and walked down stairs.  I had to still drag myself to get anywhere.  I unlocked the front door, and slipped out, shutting it behind me.  I walked a slow pace until I reached Hayden’s car.  I tried opening the passenger door, and it was locked.  I checked the driver’s side, and it was also locked.  Why didn’t I think to grab the keys?  Its rare Hayden actually locks his car anyways.

                I huffed out of defeat.  “So I heard Aaron’s waking up soon.” I voice made me jump, and I looked up to see Kale standing there, walking towards me.  I ignored him and walked back in the direction of the house.  It wasn’t long before he appeared standing in front of me, blocking my path.  “Kale let me by.” I demanded, and I was ready to push him out of the way.

He gripped my arms and peered into my eyes, “Not until you talk to me.”

I shook my head, “You’re the last person I want to talk to.”

                “Please?  Just let me apologize.”

I groaned, “They mean nothing to me.” I said softly.

                “Can we please just go for a walk and talk?”

I hesitated.  Was I really thinking about this?  No, I’m not going.  “I have nothing to say to you.”

                “But I do, please just let me talk.”

Why am I still thinking about it?  “Talk.”

He gestured me in the direction of the beach.  Am I that stupid?  Why am I even letting him talk?  I have a death wish, I swear.  The only thing I wanted to do to Kale at this point was bash his brains in.

We got on the beach, and we took a seat a few feet away from the water.  He kept his distance, and it was best he did.  “I’m really sorry, Jenny.  I never wanted to hurt you.” He started.  I already knew where this was going.  “Then why did you do it, Kale?”

I saw him look in my direction, “I have bad anger issues.  And—”

                “Why did he go off on you like that?” I interrupted.

He took a deep breath and looked away from me.  “I don’t know.” He said quickly.

                “You’re such a liar!” I clenched my jaw to keep me from hitting him.

He looked down at the sand, thinking.  “I made a mistake.” He mumbled.

                “What kind of mistake?”

Should I be scared?  “Kale, damn it!”

                “Okay, okay.” He said trying to calm me down.  “I told the football team I got into your pants.”

That wasn’t as bad I was expecting.  But it was still bad, and disgusting.  I was repulsed that Kale would even say something like that. “What?  Why would you do that?”

                “Because, they were giving me shit about being a virgin.”

I laughed.  “That’s a good one.  You’re a virgin.”

                “I’m not kidding, Jenny.”

                “So, you think saying you go into Hayden’s little sisters pants, makes you king?”

He shrugged, “It was stupid, and I’m sorry.  I’m truly sorry.”

I shook my head.  Something wasn’t right.  “Aaron wouldn’t have flipped out like that if he knew it was a rumor…” I trailed off thinking.  Aaron didn’t know it was a rumor, and actually believed the lie Kale had told the entire school.  But how did that get back to Aaron?  Aaron doesn’t even go to sch—Nina…


Yeah, I know.  It's cliche as balls, haha.  I'm just stuck, :/  Updates on this soon, :)

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