I think I always have

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“It’s surprisingly quiet.” I whispered.  Aaron lay facing me, and he had me hands wrapped up in his.  He chuckled, and inched closer to me.  “Just give it a minute.”

I gave it two minutes, and there were moans of pleasure filling the hall.  My door was shut, and I could still hear them.  I drew my hand to my mouth, and laughed.  I stood from the bed, and hovered over Aaron.  I held out my hand, “Come on.”

He raised an eyebrow, “Where are we going?”

I didn’t answer, and I just held my hand out to him.  He groaned, taking it into his.  I pulled him up, and walked towards the door.  I glanced at Aaron before I opened it.

When I opened the door, it was much louder, and so were our laughs.  Hayden loves to embarrass himself.  And I can blame Lea for this one too.  I don’t understand why they can never be quiet.  It’s really a bit awkward.

                I pulled Aaron down the stairs, and out the sliding glass door.  The pool was lit up, and it reminded me of ice or blue jello…I shook myself mentally, and dropped Aaron’s hand.  I pulled my shirt over my head, and dropped my shorts before launching myself into the pool.  My under garments still intact, of course.  It was surprisingly warm.  There was a breeze when I came back up for air.  I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, and I smiled.  I looked at Aaron, and he had the same look the first time I did this.  That was the first night we kissed.  “I’m not stripping you again.”

He smirked, and crossed his arms over his bare chest.  “What’s the point of this?”

I shrugged, “Just like old times.”

He pulled off his pants, and jumped on the opposite side of the pool.

                I watched his figure swim quickly towards me without coming up for a breath of air.  I backed up as fast as I could until I bumped into the pool wall, closest to the stairs.  He gripped my legs, assuring himself that I was there.  His head rose above the water, and he slipped his hair out of his eyes.  He rubbed the water from his eyes, and gave me a smile.  “You better continue with swimming in college.”

He shrugged a shoulder, “I start next semester, since I kind of blew it the first.  But I might.”

I locked my hands around the back of his neck.  His hands settled on my waist, and pulled me closer.  “You should.” I whispered.

                I leaned into him, kissing him for a second.  When I pulled away, I searched his eyes.  “Would you like to talk about it?”

He raised an eyebrow, “Talk about what?”

                “What happened at dinner?” I said slowly.

He rolled his eyes.

                “Why did you run off like that?”

He looked back into my eyes, and opened his mouth to speak.  He hesitated for a second before he spoke, “Well it was better than me finding him and beating the shit out of him.”

I shook my head, “Yeah, and look where that got you.” I poked his chest.  He still had a minor black eye, and a bruised cheek.  His chest also has a few bruises as well.

He sighed, “I’m scared, Jenny.”

My face twisted into a question mark, “What are you scared about?”

We stood in silence.  He wanted to say something, but didn’t.  I could tell he was rummaging through his mind, trying to pick the perfect words.  “You still love him.” He blurted.

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