Teaser! :)

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            He was soon standing in my doorway.  His light purple hoodie was half zipped, and you could see his bare chest.  He was leaning against the door frame, looking perfect.  Even if he just stepped out of the shower.  I was supposed to be mad at him.  I couldn’t stay mad at him.  I wasn’t even supposed to be talking to him.  If Nina was to find out, I would be dead.  Not wanting to be alone, I patted the spot next to me and Aaron greatly accepted the offer.  He came and lay next to me, and I could feel his warmth radiating off of him.  He’s on Kale’s side of the bed, I thought.  He nudged my arm and pointed to the TV, “You should be on this show.” He laughed.  More like Nina should.  She would end up fighting with one of the girls, and get kicked off.  Nina deserves to have her ass beat.

            Aaron slid his hand onto my forehead, “You have a fever, Jenny.  You need to take something.” He stated.  He’s pointing out the obvious.  I didn’t feel like going down the stairs and coming back up them.  I feel too weak.

I smiled playfully and rubbed his arm, “Please?”

He groaned, but then turned into laughter, “I was going to anyways.”  He got out of the bed and I could hear him walk down the stairs.  I heard chaos going on in the kitchen.  He soon returned with a glass of water and some Tylenol.  He handed it to me before getting back in the bed.  After taking the pills, I chugged the water and placed the glass on the bedside table.  I had to prop myself up again to be able to breathe.  This sucks I couldn’t go today.  I don’t understand why Aaron won’t explain why he stayed.  He wasn’t sick.  He acted and looked perfectly fine.  If anything, he got better looking over night.  I laughed in my head at the thought.  Aaron’s perfect in his own way. 

            Aaron was lying on top of the cover.  I was buried deep underneath them.  I was shivering I was so cold.  Aaron moved closer to me and pulled me into his arms.  He rubbed my arms, attempting to warm me up.  He eventually wrapped a leg around mine.  I got distracted once again by his heartbeat and I didn’t feel cold anymore.  I was so close to Aaron.  Now realizing it, I blushed.  Hot chills sped through my body, leaving me warm.  I relaxed, finally becoming warm.  Aaron held my hand.  I could feel his warmth beading into my skin.  He slowly laced our fingers, which was too much.  He pretended to cough, and he pulled his hand away from me.  He still held me, but only to keep me warm.  When did life get so difficult?  And why won’t Aaron give me my heart back?

[A/N: I'm sorry like, a million times!  This is just a teaser!  Not the chapter.  Just part.  I'm in the middle of writting it and it should be up tonight!  Don't forget to VOTE COMMENT ANNNDD FANN?  Pleaasee?  Thankkk youu, <3

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