He's A Bad Boy

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"So, what's your name, new girl" she asked, a friendly smile gracing her face.

"Abigail" I breathed out while chewing my gum.

"Abigail. That's sweet like that ass of yours" said a male voice. I turned to see a handsome guy checking me out in my uniform, which, by the way, I did get a chance to 'fix' (In other word, slutty it up, if thats even a saying)

"Wish I could say the same about you" I said. Boy, was that a lie. He was damn fine looking. He walked up to me until he was a few inches away. His blue eyes pierced into minex, but I held my ground, sternly glaring back.

"Well someone's a bad little liar" he said placing a kiss on my nose and walking away, back to his huddle of friends. "Welcome to this school" he winked. I glared at his retreating figure, then turned to the girls to see the girl looking at me shocked. I quirked an eyebrow.

"He's Nathaniel Reece" she sighed out. "He's someone you don't want to mess with, Abigail. He's what you'd call a BadBoy"

I smirked. We'll see about that.


The blue eyes never quite left my thought. Neither did the bugging need to put his smug smile away. How dare he kiss my nose, EUGH

I opened my laptop.

' Bad Boy ' I subconsciously searched into Google, still thinking about the way Nathaniel had smirked at me. What does 'Bad Boy even mean? Sounds like some cheesy way of justifying male idiocy. Tessa has warned me he's a bad Boy. And it was filling up my thoughts.

'I should be writing an essay' I thought

Scroll. Scroll. Scroll. Aha!



I read aloud.

' 1. badboy A young man who has many characteristics of a naughty boy: he's independent and willful; he does what he wants when he wants; he doesn't follow trends, they follow him; he often looks scruffy, but hip; he's not looking for trouble, but there's a sense of danger about him. For these reasons and more, he's irresistible to women. He's a heartbreaker with five o'clock shadow.'

Interesting. Can't be f*cked to read the rest.

Back. Back.



'bad boy'. Search.

Scroll. Scroll. Scro... No wait. Here's an interesting picture.


The pic read: Good Girls Love Bad Boys One thought came to mind: What if the good girl was not so.... good? I smirked to myself and slammed shut my laptop. We'll see the results, won't we.


Abigail Antonias was warned as soon as she entered her fourth high school that a particular boy named Nathaniel Reece was the definition of a bad boy, and is bad news. But sometimes, the worst decisions are the best ones.



New note: I've basically finished this novel now, so i was looking back to the first chapter, and I saw how many of u commented about Abigail's 'sluttiness'

a) the things she says is her, not me, her words. So stop getting angry at me about it. It's a character, chill.

b) that's reality. It's why I made her like that when I began this book a year ago. I wanted different, so it's fine if you don't like her now, but who knows? You might grow to like her throughout...

And to the fans who have already mad it to the end and is re looking at this - I LOVE YOU CHICAS

ALSO, BE SURE TO CHECKOUT THE SPIN-OFF once you're done. It's called 'The Boyfriend Tag'

2022 update: brooooo i wrote this as such a young teen i feel like the writing is even so foreign to me

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