24. She's Having a Bad Day

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So, it's the second week of Term 1 Holidays in Australia. And i'm here to update. Please go check out my other stories if you haven't already :)

Also, when i started this book, I had no Idea who Luke Hemmings was. Guess we were meant to be ;)

Last QOTC winners:

1.AspiringPegasus_ (Tobias/Four-Divergent)
2.pikachubeaniez (Park-E&P)
3. LazyLittleMoira (Isaac-tfios)
4. neelimac (finnick-THG)
5.MsConception (Simon-TMI)

They were all awesome. Most popular were Four and Finnick. I chose my fave answers and a few random. If I had to choose, I'd go with Gale Hawthorne, Hands down :) but, if he weren't available (i hope not) then Daemon Black from Lux Series :

QOTC: if you could be with one celebrity for the rest of your life, marry them, have a family with them and grow old with them, who would it be? (You can never leave them)👫💑

(rewind to when Rikki calls him)

Cutting the line, I lowered the phone from my ear and for a moment, contemplated my choices. Running my fingers through my hair, I sighed, looking back at the screen. The television in front of me was paused in the middle of a movie, and I wandered if I should just ditch Abigail and finish the movie. After Tessa's earlier words, I couldn't stop picturing Abbie and Jesse being happily together and growing old.

I'm not going, my subconscious decided. I just sat there, trying to agree with that decision.

Who am I kidding? I wasn't the type to just sit there and ignore the guilt bubbling in my stomach. No matter how much I attempted to deny it, there was a huge part of me that would always care and look out for Abigail.

Sighing, I got off the bed and left my dorm, collecting my keys before slamming the door and jogging down to my car.


"Oh thank God you're here" Rikki was the first person I recognised as I shoved my way through the mangled bodies. I nodded and looked at the house.

I've been here before.

"Do you know who's hosting the party?" i asked her, trying to hide the unease. I had an itch, that this place wasn't a place I wanted to remember. Do you know that feeling? When you know that something is wrong but can't exactly put a finger on it, but not sure why or what it is, you just know?

"I'm not sure" Rikki answered.

"It's my brother's friend's party." Said another voice. I looked behind Rikki to see a girl with black hair, standing closly to Rikki.

"Jenny, right?" I asked her. She nodded. "I remember you from the closet" I smirked. The smirk didn't even last a second when I realised who Jenny's brother was. And suddenly, I knew exactly why I'd recognised the place.

*^*^ FLASHBACK ^*^*

"Bro, you've gotta meet her" Jesse rambled as he took another sip of his beer. I barely heard anything else he'd said as I was too concentrated on the footy game.

"Yeah, yeah sure" I shushed him, keeping my eyes on the screen.

"I found my dad's stash of beer!" We heard Samuel's voice as he came into view with a 100 watt smile.

"That's great" I said, looking back the game.

"Hey, you free tonight?" Jesse asked all of a sudden, popping open another beer.

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