The Proposal

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💕I feel like I do this every anniversary, but yes, another year has gone by since the ending, and as a treat to all of you gems, here's a bonus.
I'm continuously astounded by the support and opportunities i've received from this book, so thank you for bearing with me.


Call it what you want, call it what you might, but if having a man that straightens your hair isn't love, I don't know what is. I sat in front of the mirror, still as a statue, whilst Nate so skilfully ran the machine through my brown locks.

"Ouch" I hissed when he tugged on a strand a bit too hard, and his face crinkled up apologetically. That man, I'd been with him for 3 years and damn, did I love him too much. And tonight, we'd no longer be together. My heart lurched again.

"Are you excited for London?" Nate whispered, breaking the tense silence. I looked in the mirror, at the reflection of my handsome and shirtless boyfriend standing behind me, the tattoo on his left arm clearly visible.

Honey you should know, That i could never go on without you.

"I'm sooo nervous" I chuckled, fidgeting with my fingers so he wouldn't see the tears springing to my eyes. Oh god, what a pile of mush I had become since I'd met this dude, I was freaking out about leaving him for 4 months. Only three months. Nate stopped straightening my hair, and manoeuvred so he was kneeling in front of me, his hands on my cheeks. He looked into my eyes. With a wobbly smile, I looked back.

"You know I love you and believe in you, right? You can succeed wherever you go" he came closer, his breath against my skin until our lips met. The warmth revived me and I clung to it, savouring it. My hands embraced his face gently, my fingers brushing against the scruff on his cheeks.

"That's not why I'm sad" I muttered pulling back. I looked back at the mirror, at the way we looked to perfect. Nate sat in between my legs, my arms now draped around his neck. He smiled at me through the mirror, and I returned a wobbly smile. I wiped my eyes again. "The flight in a few hours, we should start heading out" I sighed in resignation. He nodded and left the room, understanding that I just wanted some space. I took out the jumpsuit I wanted to wear, the glamorous green one, and stared at it.

It was a gift from Nate, a good luck present. I was leaving for work purposes, to go to some art exhibitions in London. I was working as an art critic now, and that became a part of my job. I was so excited to see the beautiful artworks and work with some brilliant professionals, but my heart ached when I thought of not seeing Nate. Carefully, so not to mess up my hair, I pulled the clothes on. A strand got caught in the zipper.

I should've put this on before straightening my hair fuck.

I began to panic when I couldn't detach myself from the clothes, sweat staring to form on my forehead. My head was bent into an awkward position, and the hair was pulling painfully at my scalp.

"Naaaattee" I squawked in desperation, and he came quite quickly. Seeing the sight in front of him, his contorted girlfriend, he burst out into laughter. "Babe, I'm in pain!" I admonished. Though he was still chuckling, he agreed to assist me, carefully undoing me from the hellish zipper. I rubbed my scalp where it had become sore. I looked in the mirror to find that a whole section of hair had need completely messed up. Behind me, Nate's eyes shone in amusement and I whacked his arm before finally wriggling into the green jumpsuit. I grabbed a brush and to try and smooth down the fluffed up proportion of my hair, but ended up causing more damage than good, as my whole hair converted to an afro formation, puffing up like a cloud. I gasped. Nate laughed.

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