Chapter Four

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 *Edited 05/01/2018

Nina POV

Hours ticked by.

Hours of silence.

Hours that felt like days.

Normally I thought silence was peaceful. I enjoyed silence for the most part, that's one of the reasons I loved making the trip around the country to find new pack members by myself.

However, there were two kinds of silence. Obviously the peaceful one where an individual could sort through their thoughts and everything around them felt calming. The other kind of silence was the torturous kind. The kind that is often in company with people that make you feel uncomfortable. It's the kind of silence that rang true to the old tale that 'silence is deafening'.

Not once had I moved to look at him. And not once had he moved to look at me. The two men in the front of the car would occasionally look at each other and have a silent conversation. Their facial expressions told me they were confused, and that the silence in the car was making them feel very awkward.

Good, I thought.

There was little satisfaction from knowing the two men up front felt the same uncomfortable awkwardness that I felt. If I knew that my mate felt uncomfortable I'd be highly satisfied, but clearly Mr. Stoneface wasn't about showing his emotions.

Well asshole two can play at that game, I thought smuggly.


Just like before, the hours had passed by agonizingly slow. It wasn't just the silence that was winding up all my nerves. My mate was winding them up as well. I couldn't help but think all of this was some kind of twisted joke.

I couldn't think of a good reason for him not to talk to me. I mean sure I did everything I could to avoid him for the last two months, but how does he actually know I was avoiding him? There was no proof I did it on purpose, maybe it was some weird coincidence that I just so happened to narrowly miss him these last few months.

Why am I even thinking about this? I questioned. I didn't care what he thought. He should know that I tried to avoid him for those two months. I didn't give a damn about him.

Right now that felt like a lie and it irked me. I wasn't even sure what I wanted at the moment. Did I want him to hate me or did I want him to talk to me? Technically he could talk to me if he hated me, but maybe he wasn't aware of that.

The hellish silence I had been pushed into had to stop. It was driving me mad, I wasn't even sure what I wanted anymore. The silence in the car, the silence from my mate, the silence from my wolf; all of it was causing me to go insane. There was a point where I couldn't even think anymore.

It was so quiet that I could actually hear the blood pulsing through everyone's veins.

And I couldn't take it.

I kept trying to tell myself that it wouldn't last forever. Eventually someone would break this mind numbing silence, but when hour seven passed there appeared to be no hope.

Then I felt the car pull off the freeway. I looked out the windshield and saw gas stations and fast-food restaurants littering the side of the street.

Pitstop? I questioned. Or maybe we were getting off because we were close to their territory...

My question was answered when we pulled into a general gas station. The car stopped at a pump and the two men in the front exited the car immediately. I tried not to panic as it set in that I was now in the car with my mate...alone.

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